Friday, October 24, 2014

#1023 Friday 24 October

sho nuff ...... last night she had so much to drink that despite a precautionary loo trip, she still flooded the bed by 9:30pm!  Still, it is excellent for the constipationary battle.

She really is a delightful child .... she has some very annoying and worrying issues .... such as the anxiety ..... but despite all the problems, she's growing into a lovely person.  It reduces our concerns about the teenage years to come.

Afternoon:  She's come home in a bad anxiety attack again.  This has happened for a few days now .... something has changed to produce this.   Some serious thought is needed.


Kerrie has bought herself some serious climbing shoes .... Very strange shoes.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

#1022 Thursday 23 October

Tonight she really enjoyed her tea ..... roast potatoes, sausages and carrots and sweet potato..... followed by water melon juice.   She was hull as a goog!  ..... then when we sit down for TV, she says .... Popcorn!

Where does she think it would fit?  (We said no).   Amazing child.

This afternoon she had a bad anxiety attack.  We couldn't work out why..... but Kerrie took her for a drive in the car .... and as soon as she got in the car, she calmed down! 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

#1021 Wednesday 22 October

Yesterday I over-did things .... I've been working on a project to add a bit more shed space and I had completed the truss and posts ..... so I proceeded to erect them.  They are very heavy and I should have left it for another day.  .... but it's up now.  It will take me a while to recover!

Last night, "Dancing with the Stars" was on TV .... and Kaylia loves it!  She watches very closely and when she is impressed by their moves we can really see her response.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

#1020 Tuesday 21 October

Poor Teddy ..... he's got a blocked exhaust pipe and he's getting bouts of hurts ..... so he's on a diet of all the doggie foods that have a laxative effect. 

Kaylia's new diet is going well ..... icecream has been replaced with fruit/icecream and she is liking it.  Today our "NutriBullet" arrived .... this will allow us to use more whole foods and avoid processed baddies.  The change in eating habits isn't too bad ..... it takes a bit of thinking and so can be hard at the end of the day when energy has got up and gone.

Monday, October 20, 2014

#1019 Monday 20 October

Kaylia's focus on "hose-time" has reached the stage where she is choosing the hose over going to the swimming pool.  I guess it's the stimming aspect of it.  That's hard to beat.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

#1018 Sunday 19 October

Kaylia was trying out the "new" Pilates bench today...... she seemed to like it.  Kerrie tried it too.

We raised the head to the maximum height and it makes you work really hard.