Thursday, September 12, 2024

#2318 Thursday 12th September

Kaylia wanted Subway for tea tonight and she was able to manage the whole ordering process herself. This is a milestone in her confidence and in her verbal communication..... she was able to see when she wasn't fully understood and then correct it.  

She is unlikely to ever be able to live as an independent person..... but she's made gigantic improvements to get where she is today.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

#2317 Tuesday 10th September 2014

Settlement day...... the house in Darlington has been a central part of our life for 22 years and now it no longer belongs to us.  We hand over the keys today.

Fortunately Kaylia has handled this huge transition without any anxiety.

This morning she has a session of speech therapy.  She loves this.  It occurs to me that she doesn't really mind what we do as long as it's the same thing at the same time! Routine.

Monday, September 9, 2024

#2316 Monday 9th September

No particular reason for this..... I just like it.

I've been up to see Pete today.  We're both fighting a battle against time..... struggling to hold onto the parts of our life that we value. The gradual loss of physical abilities is hard to take.

....... and if you can.....