Friday, February 11, 2022

#2062 Friday 11th February

Kaylia has been constantly warned about dropping her phone and her tablet..... and last night she finally did it! She broke her tablet.... a Samsung 10"... I got a quote today for the cost of repair.... $250!  This is almost the cost of a new one so it won't be repaired.  I bought another tablet.... not as good quality but if she won't take care, then she will have to accept it.

She's in the bath atm..... there was another "incident" at school today.... the third for this week. Everyone is trying to get through to her that this behavior is not ok.  I worry that the school might say that she's not welcome any more.  This being year 13 for her might make a difference.

Likewise when she starts work, it's not acceptable to use physical expressions the way she does. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

#2061 Wednesday 9th February

There's a lot of work involved with Kaylia becoming an adult.  We've been arranging for Naomi and I to be guardians for her.... then arranging her disability pension with Centrelink...... plus arranging a disability trust to help manage her future financial affairs.  Kaylia is oblivious to all this.... although this afternoon at Centrelink she had to stand there while I tried to talk to a person.... it was a bit hard with Kaylia singing, a noisy client in the next desk and a glass screen and masks.

Kaylia has had two situations in the past few days where she has used physical actions.... fortunately no one has been hurt but we have to make her understand that this behavior is not accepted.  It might result in her not being able to continue at school..... horror! She would be very upset if she was no longer able to be at school. 

I like my bargains on Marketplace! Today I bought 3 broken trolley jacks for $5 each. 
This sort of thing..... but broken so they don't work. I've already repaired 2 of them.  They're worth $50 to $100 secondhand and $180 new..... so I'm pretty chuffed.  Each repair involves making new parts to replace the missing parts.