Friday, June 23, 2017

#1582 Friday 23 June

Naomi had a late night a work and didn't get home till around 9pm last night ...... and Kaylia didn't like it.  She loves her 'Mummy Time" after tea when she get about half an hour of stories .... and when I had to be the substitute, then it was a question every 5 minutes ..... Mummy?  She understands the delay .... sort of ..... but it doesn't mean that she has to accept it!

Today she wore a jumper to school .... the first time this winter.  We try to explain to school that she's a girl who was happy to sit in a bath of freezing cold water ....
so cold weather is like water off a ducks back ..... but 'normal' people find this hard to comprehend.  It's hard enough for us to accept it when we are standing there watching it.

This photo is form January 16 .... but it was the same all through winter of 2015.  This bath area has now been dismantled in preparation for moving the 'bungalow'.

It's now nearly 4pm.  Kaylia and I are relaxing on the bed.  She got a real "snail mail" letter today .... from Keiran at school.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

#1581 Thursday 22 June

Phew .... I'm zonked!  First day back at the office filling in as an unpaid volunteer while we look for a new "Practice Manager".


Kaylia received the first email to her own email address today. .... from AJ who was with us from August  2012 to  February 2013.  Kaylia seemed to remember AJ but she doesn't grasp the concept of "talking" to people .... and that means talking via written as well as spoken words ..... so she wasn't really interested in writing a reply.  Maybe this will change in future.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

#1580 Tuesday 20 June

No news here .... Nothing to see ...... Move along .....    Kaylia has been so "normal" lately it feels like we should be saying this .... she's happy and sleeping well.  Isn't it good!!

It's now 6 weeks till Ashley and Abbie leave us .... it will be a sad parting.  One of the highlights of their stay has been Ash's love of cooking!  When he gets bored, he bakes ..... so we often have cookies and brownies.  He doesn't bake bread for us as he can only do that in quantities of 30 plus loaves at a time.  They are currently preparing their campervan ready to head east.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

#1579 Sunday 18 June

Today has been a bit different .... Aunty Maxine was away so we couldn't visit.... so we preserved routine by going on an exploration drive .... driving east from Kalamunda to see what was there.  We found some beaut produce stalls and so we all had a good time.  Kaylia doesn't really mind where we go .... she just loves being in the moving car.  She has her headphones on and wails along with the music ..... it sounds as if she's in pain but she's actually loving it.

She's had two bath sessions today .... both over an hour each.

Later:. I've had a phone call from Maxine ... she had a fall today and has a broken wrist.  She has surgery tomorrow to have it plated and pinned.  My thoughts are fully with her in memory of the painful experience.