Saturday, August 20, 2022

#2114 Saturday 20th August

Yesterday we had a good drive.... we explored a road that branched off the Mundaring Weir circuit. I'd often wondered where it went .... so we found out! It wound through the bush and eventually we arrived at a "mount" ..... not that there is anything really deserving of that title in our area! Anyway... on that mount is a clearing and from there four mountain bike trails lead off.  It's the result of much hard work probably a source of pleasure to many.

See what I mean?

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

#2113 Tuesday 16th August

 The rain is fairly constant!  I don't think we've had this sort of weather for many years.  It's very welcome.  Around the yard the water table is clearly very high with water flowing from underground streams.

Yesterday was one of those days when the care arrangements all fell through so Kaylia and I went for another long drive ..... we drove up  to Toodyay then north along the Bolgart road .... then turned west till we came out 10km north of Bindoon.  The drive was through very good farm land .... then lots of state forest ..... then more farm land.  

The squiggly blue line on the map is sort of where we went.  It was a beautiful drive.  We are very fortunate to live in a place where we have such lovely country within a short distance from home.

Today Kaylia is off with Kim (carer) .... usually this involves drives and visits.  Kaylia likes the variety and she enjoys the social visits.  In the afternoon she will attend the dance group.  Last week she wasn't too sure about the session she attended with this group .....but she has since decided that it's OK!  So it's on again today.

Her evening routine has settled down.  The current medication is controlling her undesirable behaviors and she usually ends the evening with a session where I tell her all about the trips we have planned over the coming months.