Saturday, October 8, 2016

#1364 Saturday 8 October

Yay! She slept like a log.  She was asleep by 7pm and slept right through.  I attempted to bribe her with sleeping upstairs but she chose downstairs instead.

This is a "me" comment ..... I don't normally gush about apps .... but last night I found a bewdy!  "Flightradar 24".  It uses real time data from the world wide network of aircraft radars to allow me to see what aircraft are where at any given moment.  So when Naomi is flying home on Tuesday, I will be able to see exactly where her plane is as it flies from Denpasar to Perth.    And when planes fly over our house, I can point my phone at the plane and it will tell me what plane it is and where the plane has come from.  For instance a plane has just taken off .... Its VA714 going to Sydney .... its already past Mundaring Weir.  Incredible!

She has a morning at Kings Park lined up.

KP didn't happen .... its raining too much.  She ended up have lots of car rides.

Joe and Ellie cooked tea tonight .... A "steak and ale pie". .... it was really good!

Tomorrow we will take Teddy to have a haircut.  He really needs it.

Friday, October 7, 2016

#1363 Friday 7 October

Ellie cooked tea tonight ..... and ..... Wonder of wonders ..... Kaylia ate!

Its been such a battle to get her to eat.  Of course tonight it helped that tea was the first thing she had eaten all day.  She wouldn't touch a thing at breakfast ..... her lunch box has come home untouched .....

She has settled to sleep very easily tonight .... I hope she stays asleep!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

#1362 Thursday 6 October

Last night was bad again .... but unusual.  I had the settling role as normal and she was actually asleep before the 10pm wee run ..... but about an hour after that she woke and didn't sleep again till 2am.

Important day ... We bought a new stove .... with a fan-forced oven!  Here it is .....


..... and here are Ellie and Joe cooking on it for the first time.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

#1361 Wednesday 5 October

Last night was much better .... The promise of Friendship Club in the morning is a very powerful incentive!   She still took a while to sleep ... but she responded to entreaties to lie quietly.
During these nights, it must be said that she is very well behaved .... its just that she can't get to sleep!
Its now 8:30am and she's gone off to Friendship Club.  She gets very excited.  The pains and attacks that have spoilt the sessions in the past seem to have stopped .... touch wood!
Oh... Amazing story!!  Last night I was doing something on the Subaru engine and I had to stop because Joe and Ellie needed it.....   I had taken my glasses off and put them on top of the engine while I worked ..... and of course I forgot them.  The car went off to Midland .... and about 20 minutes later I remembered the glasses.  I rang Joe to ask him the see if they were still there .... Fat chance I say .... but amazingly they were still sitting on top of the engine!!!!

The photo is after Kaylia's haircut.  This morning her hair was so knotty that serious action was urgently needed.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

#1360 Tuesday 4 October

Well!  That was a doozy!  She didn't sleep till around 3am.  At 5:30 she was snuggled into my back so tight that I was half out of bed.  When I got out, she immediately moved over further .... So I left!
She has therapy this morning.

Later.  Therapy went well.  Part of it currently is learning to tell time.  She can just get the concept of a half .... she struggles with quarter, and struggles with "past" and "to".  She's attentive and interested .... so she will understand eventually.

Note the wooden clock .... we tried this today and she really understood much better.

(The photo shows her after her haircut ... I cheated and added a photo later.)

Today makes me appreciate our wonderful aupairs .... past and present.  After last night, I can barely cope .... and Joe and Ellie have been such a great help.
Naomi is struggling with being sick as well.

Monday, October 3, 2016

#1359 Monday 3 October

Its October and we've got a fire going!  This weather is crazy!
Today we went for a long drive .... out toward York.... then south on West Talbot Rd to Beverly ..... north to York ..... then to Northam ..... then back home.  The country is beautiful at present.
Kaylia still loves the long drives.

In Beverly we drove past the house that was my  home in 1963

It looked very different then.  At the back of the house, the shed that my Dad built is still there.  I think watching him build that shed was my inspiration in later years .... I have built 6 sheds over the years.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

#1358 Sunday 2 October

She slept right through the night.  Its now 7am and I'm downstairs with Kaylia ..... I come down so that Kaylia will allow Naomi to sleep in a bit longer.  Sunday is the only day that Naomi can have a decent rest .... so it's important.

Later:  Naomi is sick .... so  this morning Kaylia and I went traveling to allow Naomi to rest .... we went over to Maxine's and Kaylia tried out the new stairlift.  Kaylia thought it was good.  

Then we went for a drive up to Yanchep, across to Muchea and back to Midland .... then home.