Saturday, September 17, 2011

#375 Saturday 17 September

Well ..... that will go down in the annals as a "memorable" night.... in the bad sense! Not only did she make a ginormous mess with the paint .... she then wet the bed again! I woke at the appointed "wee time" .... to find that she'd already done the deed!

Last night I posted an ad on Gumtree for some building materials (that I'm never going to use) ..... Then had an email at 2am to say that someone wanted them! (I'm clearly not the only one who doesn't sleep!)

Off to Bali in a few hours! Yay!

Friday, September 16, 2011

#374 Friday 16 September

I'm going! (.... to Bali that is ....). The furniture is being delivered so I'm to be there to install it. Up Saturday, back Wednesday.

Kaylia is REALLY happy tonight ... she's been trying to go back to an old stim of bringing piles of toys out of her room ... so rather than say "No" .... and fighting a battle over it .... I've been saying OK ... and then we put them back. This seems to keep her quite happy.

STOP PRESS .... Big time!!!
It's 8:20pm and we've just had half an hour of "all hands on deck" to clean up a HUGE mess..... Kaylia had been very quiet and we discovered (to our horror) that she had found the play-paints .... and painted herself and most of the lounge room, lounge, carpet ..... Fortunately water-based .... but it was a frenzied cleaning session to catch it all before it dried!

This is a very small sample!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

#373 Thursday 15 September

It's been a busy day with lots of work phone calls.

Kaylia in her special dress. She has had a good night ... she talks in her sleep at times .... "clothes" .... "car!" .... "park!!". The other day she was in the car with Naomi while I hopped out to pay for petrol .... I came back and she's in the front seat pretending to drive!
I wonder what this means in terms of imagination? Is she imagining herself driving? Or is she just repeating the physical actions? One day we will be able to ask her.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

#372 Wednesday 14 September

Missed a day again! Drat! It's because I lie down early to cuddle Kaylia to sleep ... then I go to sleep too! So .... if we then sleep through the night, I don't get any writing time.
The moon time is past so Kaylia has settled.
We're trying a new tack on the medication .... splitting the Risperdal into morning and evening. If she has the larger portion before bed, she may sleep through the high appetite phase. It's worth a try.

No news on the Bali front .... it's only a few weeks now till we all go up for the school holiday .... so it seems strange to go before. But circumstances may dictate otherwise.

Monday, September 12, 2011

#371 Monday 12 September

Kaylia's had a good day ... very cheerful. It's a delight to see just how much she enjoys her time with Naomi. One of my hopes is that the higher level of understanding we have of her issues (compared with last generation or even just a decade ago) ... will mean that we can raise a happier, more well adjusted child.

One interesting observation from her therapist is that most of his other clients will stim while working .... whereas Kaylia is one or 'tother .... she works .... then she stims. Not at the same time though.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

#370 Sunday 11 September

It's 5:30am and she's been up and down and in and out for an hour now .... she's gone downstairs for some play-doh time. Phew!
Evening: It turned into a good day .... we slept in till 10:30 ... we needed it after her performance!
Then it was off on a playground crawl .... Garvey Park, two Bassendean parks and then the Guildford Park (after an ice-cream). Kaylia is very cheerful ... stimmy but happy.