Saturday, June 23, 2018

#1830 Saturday 23 June

Now here's a sobering graphic from history.....  it's the number of people who died in WW2 illustrated by nationality.
It would be interesting to see this as a proportion of the population of each country at the time the war began.....  and the total as a proportion of the world population at the time.

[I later found that this has been done in Wikipedia .... and the results are even more sobering.]

What does this have to do with Kaylia? Nothing except to be thankful that we are not living in those times.  I just thought it is worth sharing as our wonderful leaders teeter on the brink of further conflict. 

Friday, June 22, 2018

#1829 Friday 22 June

Another school week is over and Kaylia is just as excited by it all as ever.  She has one more week of school and then it will be school holiday time .... and we will have her counting down the days till she can go to school again.  What a girl!

This next bit is for the blog readers who are in Australia ...... our government is seeking to pass some new laws which would apparently make me a criminal .... because I want to express a view which is different to the view of the government ! ! !  Take a moment to watch this video clip of Andrew Wilkie - an independent MP.

Andrew Wilkie

Put these proposed laws together with the trends being shown in this article .......


..... and it is very disturbing.

Spread the word!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

#1828 Wednesday 20 June

This old cartoon is so 'right' for today's callous immigration issues ...... and it is equally applicable to the attitudes shown by Australia in the treatment of refugees on Manus Island.

Kaylia?  .... since this blog is primarily about her!  She had a very early morning .... up at 5am.  I think it was because we have put a doona on her bed which has a slippery cover..... and when I went down at 5am, the doona had slipped off the bed ..... so she was probably woken by being cold.

You know the IT joke where an Irish voice asks "Did you turn it off and on again?"......   I had something similar today.....  I was called to render assistance where three staff couldn't make their computers work.... none of them could make the keyboard enter the password so that the PC would start up.   So off I go down to the office... I walk in....  and the computers all start up perfectly!  Was it my magical presence?  No.... none of them had pressed the space bar to make the password field open!   There were some very red faces. 

Monday, June 18, 2018

#1827 Monday 18 June

Once again Kaylia has come home from school ... excited and happy .....

Now .... 5:30pm .... she is in the bath with a mountain of bubbles!  She's been chortling and singing for 2 hours now.  Hopefully she will hop out soon so we can all have some tea!

In the news today .... another death on Manus Island.  Shame Australia Shame!!

If you share my feeling of shame at Australia's collective guilt for the treatment of the people that Australia  imprisons without trial and without hope ..... sign the petition to our federal senators.

Sign the petition to the Senate