Saturday, July 29, 2017

#1610 Saturday 29 July

What a contrast to Thursday night!  Last night she was probably recovering.... but she settled early and slept through the night. Now it's 7am.... I've come down expecting to find a wet bed but... No she has managed herself.  Progress!
On Saturdays I encourage her to stay in bed longer after Naomi has left for work.
Life in the Kaylia world is pretty good at the moment.... the biggest downer is her "looping" ...... she fixates on the "I like school" phrase...... over and over and over! Part of it is her wanting to talk to us..... so each time we try to divert her to talking about her friends, her teachers..... and we ask her a series of questions...... what's your name.... your address.....  how old are you.... where do you go to school.....  who has a white beard.....  and so on.
I know she will eventually grow out of this eventually .... but...... Gee it's hard to put up with. 

In my little world, I have discovered the joy of high resolution monitors for the computer!  I can't afford new ones but I can get second hand ones pretty cheaply....  I found one for the office for $40 and I was so impressed with it that I'm getting another this morning for my home setup.

2:30pm   We've been for a drive..... looking for a new mattress for Kaylia's bed. Her current mattress is really uncomfortable and very noisy.   We went into a place that she really fantasizes about.... Clark Rubber!
Kaylia normally wants to sit in the car.... but as soon as we arrived, she wanted to go inside.  She stood and looked.  While I looked at their mattress's  she wandered round looking at all the things on the shelves. She was clearly entranced..... but she soon wanted to be in the car again. 

Off we went to another bedding shop.... and this time she stayed in the car while I went shopping.  I found a suitable mattress and it will arrive about Wednesday. 

Friday, July 28, 2017

#1609 Friday 28 July

Award day!   She did it all herself.  She was one of the last to go forward for the presentation ....  and she watched carefully as the others preceded her.  As each one went forward her excitement increased .... she was clearly understanding what was to happen at her turn.......

 Then it was her turn ..... and she marched down to the front, took the award and turned for the camera ....."Cheese!" ......  She did it very well.  She is the first in her class to get this award.

Considering the lousy night's sleep she's had last night, she is doing very well. 

Thursday, July 27, 2017

#1608 Thursday 27 July

Sleep continues to be an issue.... on Tuesday night she was awake from 2am on.... and had a rough day at school as a result.... so last night she went to sleep quickly and so far (4:30am) she's slept well. 
I'm awake because Teddy was making wuffing noises.... drat him. Maybe he knows that he's going to be shorn today?

4pm   well .... we're home again.... without all the hair!  He's wearing his red plaid jacket to keep warm. 

Naomi and will be attending a school assembly tomorrow when Kaylia is to be presented with her award. 

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

#1607 Tuesday 25 July

Kaylia received a letter of commendation from school yesterday..... 

Isn't that something!!

Monday, July 24, 2017

#1606 Monday 24 July

Ooo wot a night.....  she was up and noisy at 2am..... after dire threats of No School!... she quietened..... but clearly she didn't settle because at 4am she was up and noisy again.  I went downstairs again and stayed down this time.  She tried.... but it was a while before the "I like..." stopped.

Now it's 8am and I'm having recovery time.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

#1605 Sunday 23 july

Bottomless pit!  She is eating much more than usual.... perhaps she has a growth spurt coming?  Still.... she could well just stop eating tomorrow.... who knows.  She's done that before now.

She is still dead keen to talk about school and to hear about how she is going to school tomorrow.