Friday, August 19, 2011

#350 Friday 19 August

One sleep to go!
Today I saw a special deal on an airfare to Bali .... I waited a short time to check with Naomi .... and it was gone! A lesson learned.

All is ready .... I have a suitcase full of tools. (I'd love to see what the x-ray staff think!) I don't need any clothes, toiletries etc. ... they're all in the villa waiting. It won't be long and we won't need to pack at all!

Kaylia had another 'significant event' today. Normally when walking from the car to the classroom, she behaves like a limpet .... This morning she was "Miss Independence"! .... She made her own way and did all her own preparation! I watched from about 4-5 meters away but she did it all. This is quite a change!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

#349 Thursday 18 August

Happy day!! All the way to school she giggled. And when we arrived she was sooo happy to see the teachers! It was hugs all round. Then it was over to the "name board" where each child places a graphic next to their name to show how they're feeling .... of course Kaylia's was a "happy face"!

Right now it's the bed time routine ... she's going through all the photos on the iPad .... telling me about the significant ones. Bali figures large in her ranking! She especially loves these photos ....

This was onboard the Virgo in May 2007. She loved the "ball pit" .... she still does!

Today I was talking to a parent who's at the start of the "auty road" ..... It's such a hard task and so lonely. I wish there was more we could do for them.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

#348 Wednesday 17 August

Teddy has been chopped!!! (His locks that is.....)

He's a new dog!

Kaylia is sleeping well ... Kat is "working her hard" with walks etc after school. So she is very healthily tired at night. Well done Kat!

Three sleeps to Barwee!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

#347 Tuesday 16 August

Ho hum ... it's another one. Sleepless nights in Seattle ... No ... Darlington. I wake to take Kaylia to the loo ... and after the process is complete she goes straight back to sleep .... and I'm wide awake!!

I've been on the iPhone for two hours now .... and it's only used 11% battery in that time! Amazing thing.

She's settled again .... so I can keep writing.

4 sleeps to Barwee .... but at the rate I'm sleeping it might be 2 sleeps ... or no sleeps! Sheesh! Maybe I can count jumping joeys .... or leaping lions .... or .....

I'm hungry now! 2:15am. Snack time??

Monday, August 15, 2011

#346 Monday 15 August

I've been blown away by all the "birthday wishes" on Facebook .... thank you! Until you get something like that happening, you forget just how many wonderful people have shared time with us. It made my 60th birthday quite special.

One of the reasons that not much blogging went on yesterday can be seen in Kat's hand! On the shelf I had a 20 year old bottle of my favorite wine .... we used the day as a reason to open it ... and it was still very drinkable indeed!

Thanks to Naomi I'm off to Bali on Saturday night .... Birthday present! It'll be good to be back in #2 home ... even if it's only for 4 days. I'm still doing lots of fitting work .... towel rails, shelves, paintings etc.

Kaylia continues in her "happy mode"! Apart from the times of "anxiety attacks" she's very good company.
For some strange reason she's started going to bed in the spare bedroom. We don't know why .... but it's a nice change. It would be even better if she wanted her own room!

#345 Sunday 14 August

Today I can apply for a Seniors Card!

(That's all that was written! It was a busy day.)