Friday, February 25, 2022

#2068 Friday 25th February

Tensions were very high during the day..... at school many of the Y12s were absent and Kaylia obviously thought she might be missing out. I brought her home and we had a big talk to explain that she had to calm herself.  It worked and by 3pm we were on the way to Burswood. 

Long queues to check in...... then make up and dress up time. 

Then it was time!  It's a long walk down to the ballroom.  Kaylia had to be sslloowwwed down. 

The ballroom. 

.... with her group!  It's so good that she can "belong". 

After the ball.  It was a great success and she was suitably worn out. 

Thursday, February 24, 2022

#2067 Thursday 24th February

It's 4.30pm and Kaylia is in the bath.  I'm in the grip of a series of really bad leg cramps..... and so when she calls for " more bubble bath" I can barely do it. I'm dosing up on the Zoost magnesium tablets and they will work soon.  Kaylia has no idea why I'm grimacing in pain and hobbling around.....

Autism is a real bummer at times. 

I've started the process of applying for a disability pension for her.

6pm..... much better now. 

I'm tickled pink by this one......
.... maybe we will all be writing in Russian soon..... and I before e won't be a problem any more. 

#2066 Tuesday 22nd February 2022

It's still at the workshop waiting for the registration to be approved..... Sigh! It's been there for 2 months now. 
BTW.....  Love the date

The hospital visit yesterday went well.  The signs are that the procedure will make a real difference in the waterworks. 

Sunday, February 20, 2022

#2065 Sunday 20th February

We arranged for an independent person to observe the situation at school.... her report was that the way situations are being managed is aggravating Kalia's behavior problems.  The staff who have experience with her are not in the current class.  This gives us a plan to improve the upsets that have been occurring.

I'm off to hospital tomorrow (Monday) for a day procedure..... Prostatic Arterial Embolization. The end result should improve my prostate problems.

I noticed that it's now 4 years since the bungalow was moved to the new position..... time flies!