Saturday, September 14, 2013

#681 Saturday 14 September

It was a good night for Kaylia .... no wet bed ... was a bad night for me ... I could hardly sleep for checking whether she needed to go! 

Afternoon .... waiting for the car to have new tyres fitted.  At the shopping centre the car park is partially closed as a large crane is assembled .... an air conditioner has to be lifted onto the roof of the centre.
 The weather is very grey!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

#680 Friday 13 September

Uh oh.... It's midnight and I've forgotten to set the alarm to wake up at 11:30 .... the bed's sodden again.   The poor thing just can't wake up .... it took ages to rouse her a few minutes ago.

After tea ......
The rest of the night was good and she had a good day at school .... it was the first day of swimming lessons and so of course it was a good day!

Now she's in the shower.  

Today has been the last day of Naomi having to go into Perth for study practicum. We're all very glad that its over.

#679 Thursday 12 September

A wet one ...... a HUGE wet one.  She is still sleeping too deeply.  Ah well .... in a way it's the price of a having a happy child.  

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

#678 Wednesday 11 September

Have a gander at this! 

It came home from school yesterday.  It's a quantum leap forward in quality and skill compared with others from previous times.  Assuming that it is genuinely her own work, then the difference is an indication of the changes in her ability to concentrate on the task at hand.

The one to the right is from December 2012 .... much more crude and incomplete.

The school (in the recent review) reported that she is able to concentrate much better now than in the past.  This art-work would be a good sign that this is true.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

#677 Tuesday 10 September

All good today .... we feel as though we have a 'charmed existence' at present .... she is so happy.  At times she is almost glowing.  I wish all of you that cared for her in the "bad old days"  could see her now .... she is a very different child.

Here she is learning to play in therapy ....

At times we can see her sliding toward a 'melt-down' .... but its fairly easy to avert ... a car drive will always do the trick!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

#676 Monday 9 September

Middle of the night ..... thump thump thump thump ..... Teddy scratching an itch.

I still ponder whether Kaylia's anxiety has a component of 'routine' in it .... was she accustomed to a certain reaction to anxiety triggers .... and did the "Lovan top-up" system break her expectation?   So that now she is free to react differently when confronted with the same 'triggers'?

If this is so, then we may see her grow up with a much better level of anxiety .....

Her current success at school and therapy ..... and her huge progress in generalised behaviors .... seem to point to this as a possibility.  We hope so.

#675 Sunday 8 September

It's been a good night.  Kaylia put herself to bed downstairs again.  This has now happened several times .... a good sign!  When she does this I still do the "wee run" .... she goes to sleep again afterward .... and comes upstairs a couple of hours later.  

We seem to be doing a slow transition from co-sleeping to her own room .... at her own pace.  This way there will be no trauma for her ( in the process ) .... and the resulting behaviour should be natural to her.

At the big office......
This is one for all the Trekkies ....

Language..... one of the battles we have is to encourage Kaylia to use language for social purposes rather than just to ask for what she needs.  A little while ago she came to me with a big smile .... she was holding the clothes she will need tomorrow.  "School!" she says.  I interpret this as a clear social use of language .... she's sharing that she is going to school and that she's happy about it.   High 5!!