Saturday, October 21, 2017

#1675 Saturday 21 October

Bilgomen pool opens today!  Kaylia has been counting the days.  It's noon and she has been there for a couple of hours.

I've begun dismantling the covered area between the bungalow and the house.... in preparation for moving the bungalow about 3 metres sideways.  This task needs to be done soon before I run out of "puff" so I hope to get it done this summer.

Kaylia's changing her behaviours a bit.... she no longer wants adult company as much.  She used to want one or other of us to sit with her.... and do tickles.... and talking....   Lately she just wants time on her own and she will tell us "Go!".  She's quite assertive and definite. 

Friday, October 20, 2017

#1674 Friday 20 October

There's a series of articles in the media currently that are bashing the NDIS.... and it has me puzzled because people are saying that they are worse off under NDIS.  This is not our experience.  Pre-NDIS we received no assistance whatsoever for Kaylia....   now we can have a fully funded program of therapy for her!  I really wonder who is advising the parents who are complaining.

Kaylia's mouth ulcers are finally clearing up and she is much happier.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

#1673 Thursday 19 October

It's been another strange day.... she is very happy and she's in her room droning away.... but she didn't eat a thing at school!   If I could rouse myself, I'd ask school if I could just sit and observe and see what she does during the day..... what does she do when the other kids are eating their lunch?  It's rather mysterious.

I don't think that the mouth ulcers are bothering her any more.... they seem to have healed and she is not sensitive any more....

Funny story......
I think I've told you before about how Kaylia will recite her stories but at 5 times the normal speed.....  well tonight Naomi realised that Kaylia had been trying to learn the words to one of the bedtime lullabies.... so she employed the "karaoke" technique.   Kaylia cooperated well for most of the song.... but finally she had had enough..... and raced through the song at top speed!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

#1672 Wednesday 18 October

Happy birthday Naomi!

Kaylia ate something this morning .... she must be feeling better!  She hasn't wanted to put any food in her mouth for about 4 or 5 days.  We have managed it by making her milkshakes with an egg in.  We can tell from her behaviour when hunger has been bothering her.

After the Monday  at the start of term .... where there had been no notice that school was not on .... and she went all the way to school and had to come home again ..... she has been highly anxious each day about whether school is going to happen the next day!  It's "School on Wednesday?" ..... "School on Thursday?".  Poor thing .... we get these little signs of all the thoughts that are whirling round in her mind ... we see the tip of the ice-berg.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

#1671 Tuesday 17 October

I think that she has "turned the corner" .... she's much happier tonight ..... still not eating but that is not something to worry about.  The main thing is "Is she in pain?" ... and now we can be sure that she isn't.

Monday, October 16, 2017

#1670 Monday 16 October

After a disturbed night where I had to go and settle her at 2am, she seemed to need to sleep at school time .... but after a while she woke enough to realise that she might miss school! .... Horrors!  She was up quick smart and off to school. 

Cooking class

She loves cooking at school ... but at home she "manages" us and gets us to do it all for her!  It is always hard to battle her manipulation.

After a good day she came home ..... and 10mins from home she dissolved in tears and upset.  We got her into bed and I made one of my special "Daddy drinks"  .... after downing that she is now singing again .... so I guess hunger was a factor.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

#1669 Sunday 15 October

I think she is on the mend.... She slept till 9am today and then stayed in bed singing till noon!  It's a very good sign.  Her mouth still looks a mess but she doesn't seem to be in as much pain.  It's now 5pm and she's on her bed droning away.  She a lot happier.