Saturday, October 12, 2013

#708 Saturday 12 October

It's a good day!  Kaylia is very happy and relaxed ... so am I!
She's on the spare computer in my basement office .... using an interactive Playschool video.  Then after that she'll go to iView for ABC4Kids ... or perhaps to Youtube for Wiggles "Big Red Car"

Tea-time ... BBQ & salad.  We are still working on her table skills but she's getting better.
While downstairs this afternoon, she wanted to look at "pictures" ..... we went through all her birthday photos and many others.  Since then she has been walking round singing "Happy Birthday"! 
She got really excited at the video of Tina and Katie giving her a 1-2-3 swing.

   ..... and the photos of her and Anni at the 'sponge pit' at the indoor gym.

We must be "Supa Pairents". ..... we can listen to the same 2 & 3 bars of a Wiggles song for an hour at a time ... and still be reasonable sane! .... but I suppose the sanity bit is debatable?

Friday, October 11, 2013

#707 Friday 11 October

This morning I was talking to a friend and lamenting the difficulties presented by your child having no play type imagination .... of having to constantly entertain them.   Then I come home .... tired after a stressful day ..... and Kaylia is  having an afternoon where she is pretty well self-managing herself!  She is doing very "Kaylee" type activities .... but she's doing it herself!   So I'm able to have a restful recovery time.

That continued all afternoon .... I really had a "free pass" from Kaylia today!  

Thursday, October 10, 2013

#706 Thursday 10 October

She goes back to school on Tuesday ..... Tuesday ..... just keep focused on Tuesday!!  Today was an upsy-downsy day .... Kaylia and I went to Aunty Moo's first and she was good .... then I thought I'd do a little detour to Ikea on the way to Aunty Maxine's.  We needed some light fittings .... we went into the store and into the Ikea maze .... and then she lost it!  Boy it's hard to get out of that place when you need to!  By the time we got to the exit I was ready to punch anyone who delayed us.
Once in the car she calmed down .... and at Aunty Maxine's she was ok at first ..... at then she was upset again.  After a lot of cuddles she calmed again and we headed back to the Midland office.  Jo took over then and she was fine for the afternoon!  What gives??!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

#705 Wednesday 9 October

9am .... All well so far.  She's still asleep .... I've noticed that if she sleeps past 9am, she is usually much more relaxed for the morning.  Not long till next Tuesday when school starts again. The  holidays are hard work for me .... I still have to get all my normal work done plus do the morning shift with Kaylia.   Much as I enjoy her company, it makes it hard to work!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

#704 Tuesday 8 October

B .... of a night!  (I said the full moon was coming!). It's 4am .... The dog is restless .... Kaylia has moved over and is hogging the bed .... the sheets are all messed up .... Sheesh!

The night got worse ..... Wet bed at 6am
This morning we've been for a long walk,  been to the skate park with her scooter ..... and then playground.  She's enjoying a Cayippo now.
When she was on her scooter, she showed that she can actually ride it quite well .... she just chooses not to.  It's like her talking .... sometimes she speaks really well but most of the time we struggle to understand.

Monday, October 7, 2013

#703 Monday 6 October

It's 8:15 ..... she's still asleep .  It's "little holiday" time so we let her have as much sleep as possible .  
It's also the lull time in the lunar cycle ..... the full moon is at the end of next week so next Monday to Friday will be ..... Mmm .... difficult?  .... with school starting again as well as "lunar larks" .... ooo-oooo!

I've said it before but I'll say it again .... Kaylia ... one day.... will be very appreciative of this diary/blog.  So many memories of this time in her life.  Yesterday Maxine and I were trying to put together our memories of when we were 7 / 8 ..... we have to make educated guesses much of the time.  So much happened at the time .... we have to reconstruct the story.   Kaylia will have it all recorded for her .... in words and pictures and video.  By the time she is using this blog, we will probably have 3-D holographic recording as a normal tool.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

#702 Sunday 6 October

It's been AM+AM day .... Aunty Moo and Aunty Max.   Although it was preceded by a "Mummy Hair" day ...... 
Now we're at Bunnings .... the playground is usually a hit.  Today there are some noisy kids which often turns her off .... but she's ok with them today.

Last week we reduced Risperdal to 0.5ml per day and it is having some real effect.  Appetite is down and we haven't noticed an increase in anxiety.  Fingers crossed!!

Later .... Naomi has been playing with Kaylia .... note the lippy etc