Saturday, May 26, 2018

#1816 Saturday 26 May

It's 8am .... Kaylia has been in the bath for an hour .... she will probably be there for a while yet!  Outside the wind is howling and rain is coming down in fit and starts ....winter is coming.  The wind keeps blowing the side gates open and Teddy escapes.
It's only days now till the fire restrictions lift and I can start the bonfires .... such a good time!

As I write, rain is bucketing down ... and the magpies are sheltering from the rain on the verandah outside my window .... sitting on the washing line and singing away.  I do like the magpies!

This morning I created another backup of this blog in PDF format.  There are now 21 PDF's since the blog began in 2010.  These can be emailed to you if you want your own copy.

A cousin who lives in Albany ... 4 hours south of Perth .... has posted on this photo on FB  ..... it's of the southern side of Albany's Princess Royal Harbour last night (23rd May) so it's a fair distance away ..... it's an amazing sight.  Here we are in pouring rain .... and a few hours south they have major bushfires!

Today?  Hmm ...... it's not a day for outside things .... and inside things don't meet Kaylia's approval! So it might be a shopping center trip ..... to a center with covered parking!  Going for a drive would be miserable with the gusty conditions .... so that's out.  Staying home is beaut .... but there's always a limit to how long she can entertain herself.

Later: we're now at Midland gate.... "Stay in the car?" she says. Ok.... but I'm only here for you.... so we'll both stay in the car!  One of the things about Kaylia is that she is usually quite happy to just sit in the car.   We sat ..... and sat .... and sat .... and then she says "Shopping!"  So we go shopping.  Where to?  Woolworths!  So it was about half an hour of shopping directed by Kaylia.  First item? Orange juice.  We examined the different juices .... she chose one ..... and then put it back.  On to bread.  Then find a bottle of bubble bath.  We had to play "hot and cold" till she found that one on the shelves!  Then it was off to the checkout ..... with Kaylia scanning the items .... putting them in the bag ....and then paying using a card.

What next Kaylia?  Car .... KFC!  ..... and then home. 

Thursday, May 24, 2018

#1815 Thursday 24 May

I came across this photo .... such an amazing place and it's only a few hours drive from home! 


Castle Rock in the heart of Porongurup National Park  670m high.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

#1814 Wednesday 23 May

After dropping Kaylia off at school this morning I continued over to Duncraig to visit Anne and together we examined hundreds of slides ..... remember those?  You know ... the things we used before digital photos.  Anne had emptied the back shed and had a carton with about 40 or 50 boxes of slides dating from around 1970 through to 1979.  There were some slides of my days in the gliding club ..... including the only photos I have of me in the glider before take off and photos that I took during flight.  Then there were many from our 3 years at Balgo Hills .... 300kms south of Halls Creek in the Kimberleys.    We renewed old memories while checking for the current state of repair  .... and whether the images were meaningful .... many were just places we had been to and the image had no intrinsic value.  So many went into the rubbish!  The remaining slides will eventually be "digitised" and saved on the computer.  Some of the slides may be of value to the Batty Library ... we will see.

In the afternoon Kaylia and I headed home .... and of course she went straight into the bath!  It's now nearly 2 hours later and she is still singing away.  She has a mountain of bubbles in the bath and she agreed with me "Good bubbles!"

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

#1813 Tuesday 22 May

"Does a skinny ballerina wear a one-one?"

Another day .... another happy girl who has had an exciting day at school .... and is now frolicking in the bath ... singing loudly.

Monday, May 21, 2018

#1812 Monday 21 May

"Don't worry .... I'm koalified"

Keep watching for news about NDIS ..... the plot is thickening .... and sickening!
The so and so politicians won't take steps to adequately fund the NDIS .... so the NDIS is forced to reduce the number of disabled people that it supports! They are doing this by telling people either ...

"Sorry .... yesterday you had a disability .... today you don't!"
      ... this is the miracle approach .... when existing support is suddenly removed.


 "Sorry .... we don't think that you have a disability."
     ...... this is the 'I can't see you.' approach ..... when diagnosed and assessed disabilities are not supported.

 This photo is from a school excursion today to Joondalup .... the class learns about how to order things and to pay for them