Saturday, August 25, 2012

#679 Saturday 25 August

Tough times .... work stress and family stress are taking their toll on us. Of course Naomi is carrying the biggest load.  We have to survive.
Kaylia is making progress with language.  Some things seem to take forever to 'sink in' ..... and then when something does become part of her normal speech, it's a great thrill.  On Thursday night we were in the lounge room and ... unprompted ... she said something that was so normal .... yet such a big step for her.  We all clapped and cheered ... and now I can't remember exactly what it was!  I should have recorded it at the time.  The memory of the event remains.
Kaylia continues her countdown to 'holiday' ..... she likes the app on my phone that shows her 'what' and 'how long'.
She has really taken a shine to AJ ... it gives us a break from the 'floppy bunny' who likes to roll all over us while relaxing after tea.  Naomi has put in place a really good way to manage Kaylia's habit of standing in front of the TV screen .... when we want to watch something, we put a small mat beside the TV and Kaylia can be trained to stand on the mat rather than bang in front of the picture!  It sounds weird ... but hey!, it works!
The new medication regime of a higher dose of Lovan in the morning is still working well.  The next evolution will probably be that she will need a mid day top up again .... maybe around December.
4:30pm. She's been in such a mellow mood that I took a gamble and had half an hour outside while she played inside. It went ok and I was able to cart the old lounge suite down, throw it over the balcony and burn it! It had been subject to so many "doggie indignities" that it wasn't a selling prospect .... or even a give away! It's surprising how little is left after its been burnt.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

#678 Thursday 23 August

A good night followed by a good morning ....  she is loving her 'pink blanket' game .... AJ is the current target for this.
She is still very happy to be traveling to school ... and to be waiting to go in when we arrive.  In the car, she sings away to the music she chooses on the iPod.  At the moment she is keen on Justine Clark from ABC Playschool.  We have an album of her songs and Kaylia has about 5 big favorites.
Once we arrive at school she dances round till its time to go in .... she knows the people who work with her and she rushes to them as soon as they walk past.  "Stranger awareness" is a problem for her.  She will greet a complete stranger with great enthusiasm .... 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

#677 Wednesday 22 August

Kaylia seems happy and stable.  Except for the times when the anxiety hits her, she is content.  I feel as though she is in a "good space" ..... may it long continue!
Yesterday we had a school meeting about her medication .... in general it is working OK.  On Monday she had a session of just crying .... this is very unusual for her and the most likely cause is tummy ache from constipation!  She needs to "sit on the throne" for a long enough time for her body to work its magic ....
..... but how do you convince a child like her to just sit! 
I think I'll see if she will watch ABC4kids on the iPad while 'sitting'.
After selling my tools, I have splurged a little and bought a 'boys toy' ..... a Parrot Drone quadricopter which is controlled via the iPhone. 

Should be fun ... an early Fathers Day gift.
We're sitting around .... Teddy is chasing his tail ..... and Kaylia thinks its very funny! She laughing! It's very unusual for her to notice things and find them funny.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

#676 Tuesday 21 August

A big hallo to Sanggar in Surabaya! (She's on leave and I'm really missing her as I must relearn all the office procedures which I had almost forgotten.) Today has been very busy .... I had my nose on the grindstone. It's very fortunate that Louise had recovered enough to be on deck .... it would have been a mess if I were on my own.
In 2 weeks time we will be saying "Tomorrow we go to Bali!". Yay!
Kaylia continues her refrain of "Holiday! .....Bali!" it's good that she is so keen. It will reduce the airport anxiety problems when we travel.

Monday, August 20, 2012

#675 Monday 20 August

School today! It is soooo good that Kaylia likes school. She has formed a friendship with another girl in her class .... we will try contacting the parents to see if they're interested in out-of-school contact.
Phew ... what a day again!  Sanggar is in Indonesia on annual leave and Louise has been sick for much of the day. It makes for a busy day when I have to manage phones + diary/invoicing  + accounts + villa  ........ it makes you realise why we usually have 3 people managing these tasks!
Relaxing at home. AJ has had a good first day with Kaylia. Poor girl had to be thrown in the deep end! With my being the sole office person, I had to leave the afternoon school run to her.
After school Kaylia had her usual 'scoota' session followed by shower time ..... then Nandos!
Now she's munching popcorn. This the final step in the nighttime routine .... bed next.
While waiting for bed, Kaylia is climbing all over AJ! She's clearly the new favourite!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

#674 Sunday 19 August

Today has been very pleasant. It's always good when she lets us sleep in a bit! While Naomi took Kaylia on her pool trip .... and a shopping trip ..... I went off to collect the two recliner chairs we bought yesterday. I'm sitting in one now .... ssoooo nice!
Then in the afternoon we went off to show AJ some of the sights of Perth. We went to Kings Park and then to Reabold Hill ... then to Floreat Beach before heading home. The traffic was amazingly bad .... The slowest trip through Perth ever! Then at KP there were people every where. At Reabold Hill there were so many we couldn't stop! .... nowhere to park.
The part of Perth being legally stolen from the people.

At Floreat I attracted some interest and questions from bystanders about the attachments I was using on my iPhone ....