Tuesday, February 11, 2020

#2003 Tuesday 11th February 2020

Phew .... she's settling to sleep!  It's 8:30pm and Kaylia has been very stressed out.  It's a combination of school plus period upsets ...... after a dose of painkillers plus Lovan,  she has calmed down and she is now "back in her groove" ..... she's listening to Sia on Youtube.  She now has a 10" Samsung Galaxy Tab (Christmas) with a gi-normous battery.  It gives her many hours of listening.  She often gets up early in the morning and starts listening.  She's quite the normal teenager in many respects .... but she's still not talking!

Lately she has started listing to Missy Higgins .... and in her usual way, there is one bar .... about 5 seconds ... that she listens to over and over .... and over .... and over .... get the idea?  All the way to school.

Tonight she wanted me to tell her all about our recent trip to Bali ..... and when I reached the end of the holiday recap, it was "Go Daddy!"

Today was a big day for me .... you'll remember the Kanga Kid bobcat that I had years ago?  It was sold to fund the villa in Bali ....  today I brought home a Kanga loader .... the big brother to the Kanga Kid .....it's not new but I will have fun restoring it.