Saturday, August 1, 2015

#1197 Saturday 1 August

The improvement in Kaylia's behavior continues .... it's really good to not have the giggles all the time.   ...... and the change to her own bedroom is going really well.   We adults are sleeping so much better as a result.
At the moment she's in the shower ..... cold.  She's singing away and I just asked if she wanted more shower .... or finish.   More shower!  Since it's just a low volume and it's not wasting hot water, I don't mind.  Our household water use is well below average so her showers and hose time are not a problem.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

#1196 Thursday 30 July

The hyper silly giggling seems to be back under control ..... the dose of Risperdal has been increased by 0.25ml per day.  It's amazing that such a minute change can make a difference like that.

..... and the media has started another beat up of how terrible it is that these drugs are being prescribed for young children!  No one ever writes about the other side of the story ..... about how wonderful it is that the drugs can allow our children to lead a much happier life .... that we can have a tool to control the debilitating anxiety attacks and the meltdowns. Yes it's a trade off where we have some undesirable side effects..... but I'll take the side effects over the original symptoms any day!

Monday, July 27, 2015

#1195 still Monday

Today was Kaylia's dentist visit ...... she loved it! She still has some baby teeth to fall out ..... if they don't come out themselves by the end of the year, they will need to be removed.

Afterward Callum and Hannah took her to the playground ..... she was very happy on a thingy that she had to use her hands to hold on ..... so she couldn't flap her hands!! ..... so she flapped her feet instead!

#1194 Monday 27 July

It's 2am and Naomi's father has just died.   He was a fan of Slim Dusty and Johnny Cash ...... so .....

It's a lonesome away
From your kindred we know
We'll remember you well
For the warmth of your love.

Say hello to our Mum
When you're with her again
We'll be happy our Dad
And our Mum are one.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

#1193 Sunday 26 July

Naomi is at the hospital tonight .... her father is hanging on and the family is keeping vigil.

While Naomi is away the rest of us have done our best to duplicate her delicious pizzas.  The result was pretty good!  It looks a bit strange but it tasted good.
Tonight after tea I heard Kaylia practicing one of Naomi's common expressions ..... unfortunately it's a saying that would be written    $&@:-:">£€     .... not good!  We'll have to revise some speech!