Saturday, November 30, 2013

#748 Saturday 30 November

We had a review of Kaylia's therapy program yesterday .... she's doing so well that it will be wonderful to see how much better she can do!

Her sense of humour is a joy at times.  She was doing homework with Jo in the morning .... she had to look at a word and then write the word after it was covered. She would somehow distract Jo so that the word was exposed for a moment .... and then she'd sneek a look and keep writing!   She saw that we were  watching her. .... big grin!

I can't resist commenting on the current Oz-Indo politics ..... he should say ....

I'm getting a badge made to wear on our next trip to Bali.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

#747 Wednesday 27 November

Her "play skills" are progressing well.   It is still a prompted activity outside of therapy time .... we will know that it has been successful when we see her playing on her own.  At present she can play ... but her preference is to stim.  After tea in her room she still dingles and dangles!

I'm not complaining!! Far from it.   The stage that she has reached is a tremendous result.

This morning a "courier" came to deliver a parcel .... at least I think it was a courier .... it was a big white van with courier branding on the side.  Inside it was a chaotic jumble of parcels and the person struggled to find the one he had to give to me.  He looked all round the back .... then went to one side .... then the other ..... then he turned to me and said "Is this Kalamunda?"  !!!  He didn't know where he was .... he didn't know where the parcel was .... ha asked me what forms he should fill in!!  I hope it was his first day on the job or there will be some very slow deliveries!

She's trying out the "new" garden bath!  An old bathtub that Chris has made a special frame for .... Kaylia thinks it's great!

Monday, November 25, 2013

#746 Monday 25 November

Wow!   Therapy is really humming! Today I watched Kaylia enthusiastically playing "Snap" with cards .... now she's playing "tea-party" .... and she brought all of her Teddy bears to join in!  This is really amazing stuff.   The progress she has made is almost exponential.  She's exploding.  She clearly loves her sessions with Alison.

Credit for this huge success is due to the hard work of all the members of the therapy team over the years .... over six years now.  I think I'll have to assemble a list of all the people who have played a part.  It wasn't easy for many of them and I'm sure they'll all cheer for Kaylia's success.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

#745 Sunday 24 November

We started the day with Kaylia's favourite food on the BBQ .... then off to Aunty Moo's with CandL .... followed by a trip to Hillarys Boat Harbour for a swim and fish & chips.  I was ashamed that Perth could serve such bad fish an chips to visitors from Germany ... it was expensive and really poor product.

Kaylia has been doing her usual singing in the car .... and ogling her "latest acquisition" ..... Lara!  ( Kaylia does a sort of close up stare that is a sort of possession statement.)

.... and she has been singing the last bar of a title song from a YouTube video. .... over and over and over!