Saturday, May 18, 2024

#2294 Saturday 17th May

You know..... I reckon that it's a good idea to avoid having broken ribs!   Two days in and it hurts!   Mind you it's nowhere near as bad as wrist surgery.... or abdominal surgery.  But it's still something to be avoided.

This feels appropriate for today......

Friday, May 17, 2024

#2293 Friday 17th May

The night went well..... I dosed up on pain killers and moved very slowly.  I was able to sleep in one position mostly.  This morning I'm under strict orders of no lifting....  and since we only have one garage door opener..... which Naomi has.... I can't get to my tools!

Kaylia seems to be maturing rapidly.  The way she has stopped wearing the headphones has continued.... and she is now more settled in her night routine. It's good.  She's off at her Friday job today.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

#2292 Thursday 16th May

Oh boy.... I'm in pain.  I fell over and landed on the end of trestle made of 40mm pipe..... I don't think I've broken anything but it hurts. It hit the lower ribs under the right arm.

Later.... I've been to the emergency medical place....  X-rays show that there are three broken ribs!  The doctor emphasised the risk of a punctured lung if I don't rest.  So... No shed tme for a while.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

#2291 Sunday 12th May

Since a very early age, Kaylia has worn headphones (to reduce noise) whenever she is away from home. Suddenly in this week she has stopped wearing them!  The headphones are available but she's not using them.  I think it's a sign that she's growing up.

We gained access to our new home on Friday.  It's very nice.  Now comes the massive task of moving and clearing Coo st ready for sale.

This is the river about 50metres from the house.