Saturday, June 12, 2010

Saturday 12th June 2010

Last night she started the night well but woke at 4am and was UP! There was no getting her to sleep and Naomi retreated to store some zeds so she could get through the day. I tried to keep the beast under control till dawn! By 9am, Kaylee was starting to climb the walls with "CAR" and "PECKAR" at 1 minute intervals .... she figures that repetition will do the trick! Fortunately, we found that the chemist who had dispensed the Lovan would give us another packet pending a new prescription (since SSRI's should not be stopped suddenly) ... so it was off in the car to get some Lovan. A dose of Lovan a 10am was having a clear effect by midday and by evening, she was back to normal. In a way, this has been a good experience as it shows that we are on the right track with the current mix of medications.
While at the chemists I met a friend who I hadn't seen for a couple of years and as soon as I was asked "How are things going?", I couldn't really answer .... so I handed over a card with the web address of this blog ... the blog hopefully can give a clearer picture - much better than I can verbally. I still struggle with the question of whether we're being 'wooses' or whether we have genuine cause for feeling 'up against the wall'.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday 11th June 2010

Wow - she slept all night again! Way to go!!

... and then I forgot to get a new supply of Lovan :-( In today's therapy session Aden noted that she was a lot more stimmy ... so missing one day of Lovan has had a noticeable effect. Since it will be three days till we can get a new supply, this is a minor disaster! I shudder to think of what I may be reporting tomorrow.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thursday 10th June 2010

Hi all, its been a bit each way ... Tuesday night Kaylia was up from 1am to 4am and then Wednesday night, she slept very well all through the night! My feeling is that it is still dependent on when she goes to bed .... the later the better! At present, Kaylia is really enjoying having more time with Mummy before she sleeps .... so there are benefits in two ways.

We're still finding it difficult to build any resilience. The batteries are not re-charging and when we have a bad night, it really hits us. This experience is nothing new ... most parents go through it .... we will get through it! We have to.

We noticed a small wound on Kaylia's foot last night ... it looks as though she has trodden on a sharp stick and it is a little infected. Normally you would just bathe it and it wouldn't be a big issue .... but Kaylia won't let us touch it and so treatment becomes difficult. Fortunately she has allowed me to put a dressing & Magnoplasm on it tonight ... so it should soon be right.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tuesday 8th June 2010

Well, so far the 'keep her up later' tactic seems to be working. We have had 2 nights where she has stayed up till around 9pm and then she hasn't woken in the middle of the night.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday 6th June 2010

Well the theory is fully disproved! Since the last blog, we have had two nights and each one has been an "up at 2am and play till 5am"! We have decided that our next tactic will be to not give her any 'sleepy drug' at all but to keep her up as late as possible before she starts sleeping. The rationale for this is that she has been having around 7 hours sleep before she awakes at 2am .... if she doesn't start sleeping till 10pm, then she may not wake till 5am. This would be quite tolerable for us .... and Kaylia would still be getting the same amount of sleep as before.

We will put this into action tonight and see how it goes over the next few nights. Fingers crossed! We need to solve this problem as we are both becoming physically run down from lack of sleep.

Today, she is a very happy girl ... it is Sunday and she has Mummy to herself! She has also decided that she wants to go swimming again. Every 5 minutes we hear ..."I want slee-poo-poo!" or "I want peckar!" (swimming pool & playground)
Yesterday we had a playground tour! I needed to show Linda how to find the local playgrounds and so it was a good sightseeing trip that also gave Kaylia a good drive and good playground time.