Saturday, August 2, 2014

#960 Saturday 2 August

It's freezing today .... 1pm and the air still has a chill .... but Kaylia is outside under the hose!!!  I just cannot comprehend how she does it.  She really likes it.

This morning Kerrie took her to the Waves Pool while I cut firewood and searched for tools that I have "tidied" ... it's only a week or so but I can't find them.

Kaylia has just hopped into the bath tub full of cold water .... brrrr!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

#959 Thursday 31 July

Today I heard from some good friends who lead the "grey nomad" life-style and are currently moving round Queensland.  This sort of life would suit Kaylia to a T .... she loves being in the car and going places.  Although you could say that there would be no routine, the routine would become the traveling itself. I think she'd love it.

Her cough continues .... although we now think that as well as the cough being the form of mild asthma, it has also become a stim for her..... she coughs for the sensation ... not as a reflex action.  She did this a few years ago and it took a long time to break the stim.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

#958 Tuesday 29 July

I had to go " way down south" this morning .... being a courier for the office .... and the trip took me past the Aviation Museum.  
So on the way back, I just had to stop there. While I was there, the guys were assembling a Vietnam era Iroquoi helicopter as a new exhibit .... using a 50 ton mobile crane!

Ah ..... bliss to be sitting under the Lancaster.

They had a video running of the full process of pre-flight through to the flight of the last remaining Lancaster in flying condition .... in Canada.

Monday, July 28, 2014

#957 Monday 28 July

Another therapy classic...... she's doing an exercise where she goes into her room with Kerrie and does something .... then comes back to Alison to tell her all about it.   She comes back .... "I was reading a book" - what was the book about?  .... Kaylia answers "I will think about it."  She's amazing!!

Alison finishes therapy in 2 weeks for maternity time .... what are we going to do?

Sunday, July 27, 2014

#956 Sunday 27 July

Kaylia has been unwell the past few days ... it's a sort of flu come asthma thing that she gets occasionally.  It doesn't really slow her down .... just a chesty cough.  On Friday evening she was very upset and it seemed to be part of being sick .... but it turned out that she was very hungry and she couldn't tell us.

Today it was Aunty Moo's .... then back to Midland for op shop .... then home.
(Then I got some shed time for my current project.)