Friday, July 10, 2020

#2025 Friday 10th July

Today has been one of those days from hell!  If it could go wrong, it did!  The day began with the hot water system failing..... cold shower.  Then Kaylia was having a really bad day and just making everyone else miserable. 
Then the computer was doing weird things in the accounting software.....  I had to lodge reports with the ATO twice.....  I still can't understand how the errors could have occurred.  I'm just happy that I was able to fix it.

After lunch Kaylia wanted a long drive so we drove to Northam and back.
When we got home I found that the hot water system has decided to work again! %$#&!

Thursday, July 9, 2020

#2024 Thursday 9th july

Exciting day!

I'd taken Kaylia to Fremantle for "Friendship Club"...... a 9.30 to 2.30pm session..... and after 2 hour stint of payroll preparation (sitting at the library), I headed fo Bunnings for a bit more time killing.
At Bunnings, I always have a look at the tool chests..... I have a yearning for one and my birthday is coming up!  I walked into the store and a staff person was working in that area.... so I asked him for his opinion of the best value item.  "This one" he says "cos I'm about to mark it down by 50%" .!!!

SOLD! I sez! 

On my birthday I'll be able to post a photo of the bargain. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

#2023 Wednesday 8th July

We're home from our mini break in Busselton..... we're eating out to celebrate.  This is Kaylia in the Nepali restaurant in Glen Forest. 

The time in Busselton was largely a visit to all the op shops. ...... 10 dvds! 

Monday, July 6, 2020

#2031 Monday 6th July 2020

We're at Busselton!  It was a wild and wet drive down ..... and it's freezing here.  The room is warm but it's a looonng walk to the car park.  Bbrrr!

Tomorrow we'll do the obligatory  chocolate factory and visit the attractions of Cowaramup.  I hope the rain lets up for us.