Saturday, September 18, 2010

Saturday 18th September 2010

SIGNIFICANT EVENT! An hour ago, I took Kaylee over to visit Kym and when Kaylia walked in the door, she immediately started talking to Kym ... and it wasn't "I want ... " or a demand ... or a request ..... I couldn't understand what she was saying but it was clearly conversation rather than communication of need. This is significant because I think it is the first time that Kaylia has ever just talked in the normal way! So far all her talking has been to communicate a need or a want.

This is exciting and it will be fascinating to see what happens next!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thursday 16th September 2010

Wow ... things must be good! I haven't written an entry since Saturday! Monday and Tuesday nights were bad with Kaylee up at 3am ... and then making lots of noise so we didn't sleep ..... but the other nights have been good.
My earlier theory (about the poor sleep being a sign of high anxiety) is still being tested. I think it may be right. Her anxiety levels are generally up a bit .... but not out of control. The sleep is sort of at an equivalent level.
I didn't mention at the time ... I weighed her on 6th September and the weight gain is still a problem .... 0.3% per day since the last weighing. This is too fast and is due to the Risperdal which keeps her hungry! We tried taking her off the Risperdal a few weeks ago and it was a disaster ... she needs Risperdal (or something equivalent).

All the talk in this blog about the problems ..... life is still very good compared with a year ago ... or 18 months ago ..... we so easily forget the nights when Kaylia screamed for literally hours at a time.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday 12th September 2010

Kaylee is worn out and at 2pm, she's fast asleep! She's had a big morning with mummy at the 'slee-poo-poo' (swimming pool) and after lunch, she collapsed! These days she can be very insistent in her demands. While this is preferable to her being withdrawn & non-communicative, the vocal demands can be wearing. I spose this is not a problem peculiar to Kaylia ... it's a very normal 6 year old child behaviour.
Isn't it good to have a normal problem!

Naomi is wo
rking hard on assignments for uni .... on top of her daily work, the study demands can be draining.
We haven't found au-pair number 9 yet (for those of you old enough ....... Beatles White album .... #9, #9, #9 .....)