Saturday, March 25, 2017

#1510 Saturday 25 March

I've had another bout of "reception-itis" ..... having to fill a staffing gap .... and disliking it.  Fortunately Kaylia had a better time.... A and A made cookies and brownies today and Kaylia was really excited about it all .... Abbie caught her as she was about to upend the whole container of sugar into the mixture!!!  She loved making the balls of mixture before baking.

In the afternoon, Kaylia and I wait at the window .... watching for Naomi to come home.  "Where's mummy?" she says.

Now it's 8:30pm .... for a change Kaylia hasn't wanted any company before sleep so I've had a time on the guitar. Years ago, she always wanted me to play the guitar and we would all sing her nursery rhymes.  For some reason, this routine has switched off .... now when I bring out the guitar, she says "Off!"

Friday, March 24, 2017

#1509 Friday 24 March

It's been a hectic day .... the office receptionist is sick and we couldn't find a temp .... so I was it!  Then we're moving office tomorrow so I'm looking after K while everyone else is down in Midland packing up the old office.  We're all going to be tired tonight.

Kaylia is happy .... since tea is an unknown variable, I let K have some KFC on the way home to stave off the hunger later.  Now she's in the shower .... the usual dribble of water onto her head so that she can stim off the water that runs off her hair.  She's easy to please!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

#1508 Thursday 23 March

I had an awkward moment this evening .... it was 15 minutes to teatime and a friend rang to ask if I would help fix a plumbing problem.  I had to say that I couldn't come over to help because Naomi wasn't home yet and it would cause serious disruption to Kaylia's routine if I were to rush off.  It's times like this when autism has a big impact.

I'm now in the bedtime routine and Kaylia has a a really good dose of mummy magic ..... so she is very mellow.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

#1507 Wednesday 22 March

Well!  It's 6pm and we've had an .... interesting .... couple of hours. Kaylia had become upset after school .... so it was off for a car drive.   While she was away, I checked her lunch back ..... it was only half eaten .... so hunger was the  a issue!
When she got home we shoveled food in the hole ..... but she had already worked herself into a cycle of being upset and she wasn't going to let go that easily!!

Fortunately Naomi arrived home at that point .... and mummy magic is wonderful!  7 stories later and Kaylia is happy again.

Monday, March 20, 2017

#1506 Monday 20 March

Phew.... I'm getting too old for this game!  I've been working in the new office today .... helping the phone guy to setup the PABX .... it's not that hard but I still feel wrung out at the end of the day.

Kaylia is becoming VERY keen about the trip to Bunbury/ Busselton that's coming up in the school holidays.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

#1506 Sunday 19 March

Today Kaylia piped up "Bindoon" ....   so we went to Bindoon .... op shop and bakery.   It's a good spot.

Then this afternoon she's been in the bath.