Saturday, April 9, 2011

#221 Saturday 9 April 2011

This morning was Kaylee's time with Kym. Kaylia loves her time with Kym and I think the feeling is mutual! It's turned into a special ritual.
I had arranged to meet with a Curtin Uni software researcher in the afternoon so Kaylia & I made it into an outing .... we went the E-shed at Fremantle .... Kaylia discovered deep fried sausages!

The Curtin research is into a software for the iPad which will aid people to learn to think ... it's using the same principles that Kaylia's therapy is based on. The visit was to see how Kaylia reacted to the trial version. It was clear from her actions that there were some "fine tuning" changes to be made. It's going to very interesting to see how it develops.

I have an idea that a tool like this could be valuable in places like Bali ... at present there is little that can be done for Balinese children who have autism. A computer program can be used by almost untrained adults ... yet it can make a difference.

Friday, April 8, 2011

#220 Friday 8 April 2011

There was an article in the Google News ... a book written about a family's experience with autism ... "When horse became saw" ....( ..... the growing community awareness of autism is good. It will be even better when autism is perceived as a community problem instead of a problem for the individual family.

My bleak futurism ponders what Australia would be like in 2 or 3 generations if the current political and community apathy continues. The true social and financial cost of autism will not hit till the victims are adults ... with the growing incidence of autism, that cost will be massive if a shift in community attitude doesn't happen.

Autism must be tackled in childhood .... or else!!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

#219 Thursday 7 April 2011

It's quiet ... for the first time in probably 8 or 9 months, the weather is cool enough that the air conditioners are not running! I'd forgotten what it's like to awake to the sound of the birds singing.... they're usually drowned out by the a/c!
And it has rained during the night!

Kaylia has a cough at present ... it's getting better but it has been making it hard for us to sleep. She sleeps through it but we wake up.

Her language is steadily improving .... I can now talk to her normally ... for example to explain why we're going to do something .... or some other fairly normal conversation topic .... and she clearly understands. She doesn't respond with words but her expressions and actions show that she understands what is being said. It feels as though it is a dialogue ... instead of a monologue!
I feel at present that her future development will be determined by her desire to learn ... that she now has the tools to actually absorb and use knowledge ... her limit will be her stims .... the self-absorbtion that means that she's not even aware that knowledge is there to be gained.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

#218 Wednesday 6 April 2011

I have a new "party trick" ... I think it's fascinating but the usual reaction is "Oh - yuk!"
If someone rests a finger on the skin of my wrist .... and I move the wrist ... just so ... they can feel the bones crunching! It doesn't hurt but it obviously feels terrible.

Kaylia has a "daddy ponytail" hairdo this morning .... certain ex-hairdressers can always tell when the hair has been daddy's task!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

#217 Tuesday 5 April 2011

This morning I watched Kaylia in the classroom at school .... she was clearly comfortable and happy to be there ... safe.
I looked at the other children ... they were looking comfortable and safe too .... and I remembered the school days from my childhood.
What a contrast! The classroom for me was a place of fear and constant threat of ridicule and bullying. It's so good that things have changed ...

Monday, April 4, 2011

#216 Monday 4 April 2011

Zoe at Perth airport leaving for her next adventure!

It has been a special time (Number Nine). This morning I think that Kaylia understood ... she stood at the car door, looked back at Zoe and I heard a very soft voice ...."bye".

We will meet again.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

#215 Sunday 3 April 2011

Kaylia started her day by an early rise with Zoe & Sally ... they were off on a day trip to Busselton. After the intrepid travelers departed Kaylia & I went traveling too ... "shopping!". Bunnings was a good spot .... they had a sausage sizzle on... and Kaylia approved.
Then it was off to the "slee-poo-poo" with Mummy ... followed by more shopping!