Thursday, August 27, 2020

#2040 Thursday 27th August

The new kitchen was finished today.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

#2039 Wednesday 26th August

The old kitchen was successfully dismantled and removed over Monday and Tuesday ......

.... and then today the installation of the new kitchen began.  By 5pm it was largely complete and the finishing off will happen tomorrow.

Kaylia has new loops.  Now that Daddy's birthday is past, she is now fixating on "Fathers Day" and the school ball.  Both these happen on the weekend Friday 4th to Sunday 6th of September. 

Sunday, August 23, 2020

#2038 Sunday 23rd August

Sad day...... a stray dog from the next street arrived and after saying hello to us in a very friendly manner, he proceeded to attack the chooks.  We managed to rescue two but one of the chooks is nowhere to be found.  The only hopeful aspect is that we don't have a dead chook..... so I hope that she will be able to return....

And through all the drama, Kaylia watched dvds and was oblivious.

Update..... the lost one is found.  We had shut the remaining two into the coop..... so we let them out.  In about 15 minutes they had found the missing one who had been hiding.