Saturday, February 21, 2015

#1102 Saturday 21 February

I had a bit of insight into my mental state today ...... Kaylia was in the middle of a bad obsession session (!) and a friend rang to ask if I would like to go with him to a movie ..... I tried to explain why it was next to impossible ..... and I realized I find it very hard when people seem to think that we're "normal".

We have a new aupair coming to join us on Wednesday night .... another couple.  Hannah and Callum are from the UK .... not far from where Kerrie hails from.

Today I tried to interest Kaylia in banging nails into a block of wood ..... she didn't "get it" and soon departed.  I had a hidden agenda that if she enjoyed such things then I could get some more shed time.  So much for that idea.

Friday, February 20, 2015

#1101 Friday 20 February

The obsession with "doctors" has been very trying today..... Relentless. We'll try a new strategy tomorrow and hope to see an improvement.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

#1100 Thursday 19 February

Last night we attended a meeting of parents at school ..... Kaylia got to play in the classroom that was hers for 3 years and she was quite excited about that!

Afterward we had tea at Nandos ..... it was a reward for her efforts to try out different ways to ask for it.  While there I tried some "selfies" of Kaylia.....

She still doesn't understand what a smile is.

We tried having speech therapy after school this afternoon ..... it doesn't work ..... she was unable to concentrate at all .... and it wasn't help by being in the room next to the "foot doctor" .... and she couldn't let us forget!

We've just had a Skype call with a potential new aupair.... Fingers crossed!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

#1099 Tuesday 17 February

Well!!!! We've just a completely unique experience.  While I was skyping with Chris (3 aupair a previous) we noticed our current aupair doing strange things outside .... afterward I went to investigate .... and found that she had packed up and left!  ..... without saying goodbye .... just a note on the door!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

#1098 Sunday 15 February

Sleep in time on Sunday morning...... I wish!   Kaylia has been wide awake since 6:30am and at 7:30, she's gone downstairs and she running around with lots of happy screeching!  Ah well ......

It ended up being one of those days where she's very happy ..... lots of screeching ..... lots of giggling .... a happy child.