Thursday, April 9, 2020

#2011. Thursday 9th April

Our efforts in food production are becoming real in anticipation of the Covid situation getting worse.  We've set up 4 500litre tanks as raised garden beds and these will be our veggie patch.  The Kanga loader has been invaluable in this.  Now that Kaylia has "home school" we plan to involve her in these endeavors. 

Shedwise, I found a large hunk of steel in the rubbish pile at a council bridge building project.  It's very heavy.... maybe 150kg...... I've repurposed it as a mobile vice stand in the shed.
It's on castor so that it can be moved easily.  But it's VERY solid. 

Monday, April 6, 2020

#2010. Monday 6th April

I'm in hospital now for the scan post treatment..... it's to see how effective the treatment has been.

The whole situation has been a series of fortunate events.... if I hadn't gone to hospital in August for depression, I wouldn't have had the prostate scan.... without the prostate scan, the kidney issue wouldn't have been found.  Without the kidney issue, the thyroid problem wouldn't have been found. ..... and without the enlarged thyroid, the cancer wouldn't have been found at that early stage!  I'm very fortunate. 

Kaylia has taken to Alby and Becca very easily.  It was "tickle tickle arm" straight off!.... and A+B have settled in well.  Again it's very fortunate that we needed help and have room for extras...  They would be in a pickle if they had nowhere to go.

At home we are setting up a veggie garden as this covid situation is going to seriously impact our food supply.   We've set up 4 x 500litre raised garden beds and a herb garden...... plus our chooks.

After the scan I was pleased to hear that it was all clear. Yay.