Saturday, August 6, 2011

#337 Saturday 6 August

This afternoon we went to see Harry Potter! Yay! It was good .... I hope you enjoy it too.

Now it's 7:30pm .... Bedroom downtime before bed. She's happy. I think she is really enjoying having Kat here .... But the change is still producing transition traumas. (transition from one set of life circumstances to another .... every transition is hard for Kaylia). Kaylia is still engaging in activities with Kat that she hasn't done for quite a while. No ... it's not that she hasn't been doing them ... just not at the intensity that she's showing at present. The transition also produces anxiety attacks at times ... I wonder if it also contributes to her current poor appetite.

Last night was good sleeping for K ... I'm finding that I go to sleep with K and then by 3 or 4am I've had enough sleep! So last night I got up to work then. (Come to think of it I used to do the same in my twenties too.)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

#336 Thursday 4 August

Last night was a disaster!! Kaylia was in raving hyper mode from 2:00am .... she didn't sleep again! I expected her to crash during the day .... but no - she coped well. After school, Kat took her shopping and to a playground. (This seemed to prompt some activities at home that I haven't seen in quite a while .... outside on her slide .... outside on her swing ... it was good!)

Then at tea time, she crashed! The spaghetti (one of her favorites) was too hot and she collapsed in a big anxiety attack. We recovered with the promise of a car ride if she was able to eat some food (after it cooled) .... then after the car ride, it was straight off to bed. Phew!

We have been exploring Oz vs US pronunciation with Kat ..... Nissan (nisan vs neesaan) .... plait (plats vs plates) .... Mazda (mazda vs marsdaa) .... they're a weird mob!
I'm allowed to make this judgement ... cos it's my blog!

Speaking of mobs ..... on the way to school today I saw the biggest mob of kangaroos I've ever seen .... along Marshall Road .... it was HUGE! It wouldn't surprise me if there were over a hundred ..... grazing about 200 metres from the road.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

#335 Wednesday 3 August

6am .... Wet bed. Change sheets. Try to sleep for an hour. I went downstairs to put the sheets in to wash .... every single light was on ... so I guess Kaylia was up during the night and it didn't disturb me! I had crashed big time. I can't handle working all day.

You know ..... metabolism is a strange thing. Take the jumper thing .... Kaylia won't wear a jumper in the morning .... and unless it's snowing I don't either. Kaylia kicks the blankets off ... She's a live hot water bottle .... so am I. This is very different to Naomi ... and the difference can be a problem.
Kaylia's now wide awake and she's playing downstairs.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

#334 Tuesday 2 August

I had a physio appointment for today ... I've delayed to next week because after last week's session, I've been too enthusiastic with the suggested exercises. I feel as though the joint is protesting .... it hurts ... so I'll give it time to recover before trying again. It may be the partly fused section reacting to the stress.

Kaylia's had another good night. Last night she was so tired I was able to revert to a bed-time routine from about 2 years ago ..... a brief cuddle and kiss goodnight and then she just went to sleep. (Normally one or both of us has to be with her for about half an hour before she will settle.)

Monday, August 1, 2011

#333 Monday 1 August 2011

Kaylia was very excited at therapy today.  It's terrific to see how much she enjoys coming into the office and having her sessions.  She has a 2 hour session on Mondays and Tuesdays .... she's making good progress.  The thing that holds her back is her difficulty with concentrating and attention.  Even with the current level of Risperdal, she struggles to have her attention stay on one thing for more than a few moments.  We could try a higher dose of Risperdal but this is likely to make her weight problems worse

These graphs are of her weight since we noticed it increasing  .... the top graph is of the daily rate of change of weight.  The bottom one is her actual weight.  The red line (average rate of daily change) is reassuring as it says that the problem is reducing in general. 

Sunday, July 31, 2011

#332 Sunday 31 July 2011

Bewdy!! Another good night! And it's sleep-in time! After the midnight "wee session" for K, I used a big drug to knock myself out. After the sleepless previous night I was zonked!

Today's program? Slee-poo of course! Yesterday when we went to the pool, we spent an hour in the deep water ... so apart from the odd time where she rested on me, she was swimming the whole time. No wonder she was very tired lay night. She had an anxiety attack at tea time and after calming down she went off to bed about 6pm.

Nighttime: She's had a good day.
Her speech seems to be getting clearer lately .... easier to understand. Tonight there was a "classic moment" ....
You may know that Kaylee is prone help herself to other people's food ... tonight we were having ice-cream in a cup ... Kaylee had finished hers and we could see her eyeing off Kat's ice-cream ... Naomi says "Kat - protect your icecream!". .... then we hear Kaylee clearly say "Kat - protect your icecream!"