Friday, October 27, 2017

#1679 Friday 27 October

The big guns are out .... Kaylia has been given an ultimatum.  She has to be a good girl at school ... if she doesn't she will have toast and cheese for  tea while we all have fish and chips!!

Stay tuned!

The verdict from school was that she had behaved..... so she had chicken and chips.  This improvement may have been due to the threat of  dire punishment.... but it could also be due to the weather!  She has always reacted to windy weather.... and it was very windy yesterday. Today the wind had dropped.... maybe that was it.  Who knows.  Until she can communicate fully, we won't be able to know.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

#1678 Thursday 26 October

Today has been...... Interesting?

It began with me presenting Kaylia with a new pair of music headphones.... with bling!   Kaylia was very appreciative.....
She immediately grabbed them and took them with her for the car trip to school. 

Then in the afternoon I had a phone call from school..... to discuss some behaviour issues that had presented during the day.  In summary, Kaylia had been naughty!  

The situation will require some thoughtful solutions from Naomi. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

#1677 Wednesday 25 October

All is well..... we have a happy girl who is rapidly becoming a very assertive teenager.  She's not defiant or disobedient.... just the opposite.... but she knows what she wants and she is very clear in letting us know.  She spends much of her time in her room..... and she insists that we leave!

But in other ways she is still the same..... still
..... Oops!  It's 6:30am and we forgot to put the bins out!  I've just raced out to drag them up to the street while the rubbish truck was coming up the hill ..... I  just made it in time.
News for Chris and others..... the task of moving the bungalow is progressing.....   the area has now been cleared and I'm beginning to construct the new foundation.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

#1676 Sunday 22 October

At Dome for a family breakfast.....