Friday, June 9, 2017

#1573 Friday 9 June

Today we had a phone call from school  ..... they were concerned about Kaylia being upset yesterday ..... apparently she was often saying during the day "Daddy .... Bali" and this increased as the day went on and she seemed more agitated.  When we explained that she meant "Daddy is coming home from Bali" it was an Aha! moment.

It's good to know that she misses me.

Tonight she has had big problems with a constipated bottie.  In years past we would administer a serious suppository up the backside to fix this .... but in recent years she has not allowed us to do this so we have not pushed the issue.  But tonight she was in discomfort ... so I verbally explained how the medicine in the backside would help .... did she want it?  "Yes"  ..... well then you will have to put the medicine in .... I won't do it for you .... do you want it? "Yes"   We went downstairs and I prepared the suppository and gave it to her.  She promptly inserted and squirted!  What a good girl!  Hopefully this will give her some relief.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

#1572 Thursday 8 June

Up at 4:30am ..... not for Kaylia this time! I'm waiting in the departure lounge to board a 7am flight home.  It will be good to be back.
This trip has been very busy ... and it's been important to have come  .... many things needed my input.

Kaylia was very pleased to see me .... she is not effusive or really very affectionate even .... it's just that her world includes me .... and if I am not there, then things just aren't right.  So she is very happy to have her world back to normal.  I'm told that today at school she was often saying "Bali" .... which we interpret as "Daddy is coming back from Bali."

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

#1571 Wednesday 7 June

Today :  Repaint the bathroom #1 ...... get another quote for termite barrier treatment ....... maybe get a haircut ..... a slooowww day.  Tomorrow I fly home.

11am .... So far we have had 4 visitors .... 2 about termite treatment .... 1 about the generator ..... i about the tree lopping.
The generator people are rogues.  They charge $60 for a visit with service and oil change  ..... but to have a service contract that gives 2 visits, they charge $250  ..... double the price!  Their price for a single visit is high so we will look for a local person to do the work.

The electricity consumption rate .... so far the record is showing that the present rate of consumption is average to below average .... so perhaps there is nothing to worry about.  The test record will continue for 2 weeks so we have a good record.

Generator ......... the problem was the part that detects the external power supply had failed.  A new one was fitted and all is OK.

I'm at the real Mama Purus for tea.  ..... she is looking very old and not well ..... I don't think she is that old but age doesn't seem to treat people well in Indonesia.  Arista's father is younger than me and he is in a home already.  Arista is funny .... she is like a mother hen .... making sure that I don't step the wrong way.

Today has seen the generator begin a new phase ..... to no longer use the manufacturer's staff for repairs and servicing. Kohler no longer have staff in Bali and expect the customer to pay the technician's travel from Jakarta!  We will now find local people to do the servicing.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

#1570 Tuesday 6 June

Today seems to have been a very busy day ..... and it's only midday!   Activities for the trip so far.

1) Arrange repair of the painting in bathroom 1 - this room was painted in January yet the paint is peeling off in many places.  There is a problem.  The painter is coming to discuss and repainting before the next guests will be arranged. (This has been arranged to be done tomorrow.)
2) Arrange for a maintenance system for the generator.  The manufacturer no longer has local staff and their price included travel from Jakarta .... so a local person is being found.  We have now found a person and he is coming tomorrow to fix the problem.
3)  We are arranging a quote for a re-treatment for termites.  After having to replace the whole kitchen 3 years ago, we need to keep the treatment up to date.
4) For some reason the electricity consumption rate has jumped about 2.5 time the normal rate.  We are testing the consumption rate with almost no load and finding that the rate is higher than the normal full load rate.  There is a problem that has to be located and fixed.
5)  We have realised that the electric hot water system is not needed when there are no guests .... so the two HWS units will be turned off when not needed.
6) The rooftop pressure pump needs to be replaced again.  Arista to manage this.

7)  The tall trees outside the villa have been trimmed back to a level just above the wall.

...... TIMBER!!!!!! ...............

These are fast growing trees and this pruning will need to be done at regular intervals.

Monday, June 5, 2017

#1569 Monday 5 June

Lunchtime and I'm at Aquaviva .... they still haven't sorted their internet arrangements and so this is being done offline. I hope I don't lose it.

The morning has been spend talking a lot about villa issues..... how to manage the electricity consumption. Last month it was over double the normal and I've set up a recording system to work out just what is going on.

Later: ..... no it was still safe.
Evening .... at the "Tomato and Ketchup" on Danau Poso .... for tea.  I went on a hunt for rendang and found this spot.  The TV is playing videos from the 70s .... George Harrison, Mick Jagger and so on.
This trip I'm struck by how good my "wellbeing" is now that Lyrica is working well ... the leg pain is fully in control now.

The rendang was a good 'un ..... I once made rendang at home .... it was very successful so I must do it again.

Naomi tells me that Kaylia has Bali firmly in her sights again ..... it looks as if another Christmas trip will be on the menu.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

#1568 Sunday 4 June

It's been a pleasant day .... I played a trick on Kaylia ....I went down before she had woken.  That way she stayed asleep rather than having to wake up to go upstairs.  So Kaylia slept and Naomi had a good sleep in. 

After the routine pancakes for breakfast we went to meet Aunty Mim and Uncle Steve at Nando's in Canningvale for lunch. Then it was home and a few hours to prepare for my flight to Bali.  I'm now waiting for boarding in about an hour.

This trip is to sort out a few maintenance issues that have come up.  I'll be home on Thursday.

Later:. Well.... that's something new.  I've just watched as a flight was cancelled after passengers had boarded ..... fortunately not mine!  It is a Malinda Air flight. Everyone has to get off and they are making arrangements for hotel accommodation.