Saturday, June 4, 2016

#1273 Saturday 4 June

 Coffee this morning ......
(Hannah, you'll appreciate it!)

Kaylia has had a great sleep in and relax this morning .... including about 2 hours in the bath.  CC puts the "light ball" in the bathroom for mood .... and Kaylia really digs it.

Friday, June 3, 2016

#1272 Friday 3 June

Kaylia's pain attack continue.   We can delay them till after school by using pain-killers ..... and then when she gets home, we manage it with heat bags and Tiger Balm .... 
I'll be glad when she gets over it .... and I'm sure that she will be happy too.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

#1271 Wednesday 1 June

For those of you who know the Great Barrier Reef ..... and who are concerned about the threat to the reef ...... look at this!!

Reef petition

Just click on the link .... it's a petition started by an 11 year old girl .... it needs support.

Kaylia .... for the past few days she's been suffering fro severe pain attacks.  The pain seems to be in the shoulder neck area.  We took her to the doctor today and the opinion is that it is muscle spasm ..... the sort of thing we all get from perhaps sleeping with the pillow in the wrong place.  So .... massage, heat rub etc

Monday, May 30, 2016

#1270 Monday 30 May

Kaylia's becoming more and more of a typical pre-teen...... she spends ages in her room listening to music.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

#1269 Sunday 29 May

We've been doing maintenance down at the office .... and reached a point where it was time for some lunch.  I took Kaylia down to Macca's   .... and returned to find that they had really stuffed up the order.  The burgers were wrong and Naomi's of onion rings?  Well..... look at this!
Someone in there had a sense of humour!!!

It's now 5pm and Kaylia has been in the bath for two hours!