Saturday, November 24, 2012

#760 Saturday 24 November

Sitting on the balcony tending the BBQ

This is 7 metres off the ground and looks out over a national park in the distance. That is ... it would look out over the park if we didn't have a very happy box tree right next to the balcony!  Things probably don't get much better.
We've just been shopping and Kaylia has had a good time.
During tea, Kaylia had sensed that a walk was next on the agenda .... and that was it!  No more eating ... she was amazingly excited and she could barely wait till Zoe finished her tea .... they're out walking as I write .... in the middle of a thunderstorm!  Zoe loves getting wet while she walks and Kaylia does too.

Friday, November 23, 2012

#759 Friday 23 November

Zoe took Kaylia for a walk this evening .... the 'walk'  turned into a 'run'  and Zoe reported that Kaylia was incredibly excited by it all .... and she ran so fast that she was towing Zoe along by the hand and laughing her head off as she did it!  This is a good development and I hope it continues.
As Naomi and I were driving home this afternoon we were commenting on Kaylia's bubbly, pleasant personality   ..... she is such a joy to have in our lives.  It's no wonder that Kaylia has such a fan club.
I had a very quick peek at the 'birds in the wall' ..... they're lookin' good!  Mother bird was sitting.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

#758 Thursday 22 November

I'm getting too old for this game!  (Parenting that is.)  Last night I was zonked and needing to sleep .... and Kaylia wanted to be up!  After being woken many times from near sleep I finally lost it and sent her downstairs to her room.  There are lessons to be learned from last night.
You remember the birds in the 'hole in the wall' ? (see #728 17 October ) .... well the chicks have just hatched!  I had a very quick peek in the nest and there are 4 little chicks without feathers.  It's a good spot for the birds ... safe from most threats.

YouTube Video

This is a little video of the hatchlings.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

#757 Wednesday 21 November

We had "Date Night" last night .... (thanks Zoe!) .... we went to see Breaking Dawn 2. At the risk of being accused of "finger down the throat" behaviour, I must say that the film was a delight! The images and camera work left me wanting to see it over again .... I think I'll have to buy a copy just so I can do "grabs" ... top marks from me!

It's really good that Kaylia can now accept our absence and go to sleep without us. The next step will be to try an overnight absence!
We're back from shopping.  Kaylia loves going shopping ... if we go to the local IGA, she can have a 'jelly cup' !  ..... and she still loves to look at the nappies.  She really .... really .... wants to wear nappies at night .... but we can't go back to that!
I've worn myself out again ... more house repairs .... downstairs this time.

Monday, November 19, 2012

#756 Monday 19 November

Kaylia has had a quiet day .... not much stimming.... tired. She should sleep well tonight.
Tonight was a little celebration .... a significant step was made in the process of Zoe gaining a visa to stay in Australia .... Yay!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

#755 Sunday 18 November

It's late afternoon and although she's had a good day, she has hit the wall and she's miserable.  I think it will be an early night for her!  Tomorrow is the first school day for two weeks where the day hasn't been SWIMMING ALL DAY!  She will be very annoyed when she finds out!  School has had swimming lessons ... and of course Kaylia is highly approving of that.
I've just made a batch of "Tuna Treat" cookies .... YUM!  They don't get a chance to cool down ... I luv 'em and every one else seems to share the feeling.  (Thanks Anne!)
After tea Kaylia was trying to get each of us individually to go in the car .... no one was interested. So she changed tack! She gathered all four adults together ... then when she had carefully arranged us .... CAR! It was a really good try.