Saturday, December 21, 2013

#766 Saturday 21 December

Yesterday began at midnight .... at the airport to collect Naomi.  Her flight on Air Delaysia landed on time .... but then went to the wrong parking bay and they sat on the tarmac for 20 mins .... and the flight had been with faulty a/c.  So all in all, it was a bad flight for her!  It was over an hour after landing before she escaped the terminal!
Then the day was spent at "New Kuta" Green Park .... a really good water park .... not many people .... Kaylia loved it and we loved it!  Kaylia did many goes on the really big water-slide.

Kaylia was up today at 6am for the swimming pool and the bath.
Today the villa maintenance hits full steam with the floor tiles being renovated and a new door being fitted to the storage area.
At the moment it's breakfast at Mama Putus.  

There's trouble with our order!  It's too complex ..... MP has been back 3 times to check the details.

8pm. Phew .... what a day!  It was fortunate that the trio was off travelling ... the villa was a madhouse with two crews doing different jobs at the same time.  The furniture had to be emptied from the main area into the lawned area .... and then rain threatened so we had to move it all into other rooms.   
And while all this was going on, I was changing all the locks .... 17 of them. This was to fix a situation where various people in the past have not returned the keys when they ceased working for us ... so security has become very iffy.

Kaylia was in "chill mode" while all this was going on.  It's amazing how well she is coping now.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

#765 Thursday 19 December

Mummy comes to Bali tonight!
At Mama Putu for breakfast.

After breakfast Kaylia took Lara and Chris to see Hypermart .... and J-Co .... while I worked on office stuff.
For lunch we feasted on a bundle of sate sticks plus pasta .... then it was pool time for Kaylia for the afternoon.  At 4:30 we trooped of down to Hardys .... ate at a beaut little place not far from Hardys.  Then after collecting a few more DVDs for  Kaylia we piled into a bemo for the drive home .... since the bemo is tiny, it could fit down Jalan Belanjong and it took us right to our door!  Chris (2.2m tall) looked a sight inside the tiny bemo.

It's now 11:30 .... nearly time to go to the airport to collect Naomi.  Kaylia had already wet the bed .... we'll before the wee run time.  Too much hydration!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

#764 Wednesday 18 December

Evening and we're at the pizza place near the villa .... for a pasta night!

The beer is good .and Kaylia is scoffing the little pastry sticks.

She's had a good day .... while I worked she's had a car ride, peek-a-boo time, beach time, pool time and now ... yum!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

#763 Tuesday 17 December

After a night of reinforcing "Tomorrow ... We have to wait" ..... the wait is over and we're at the airport.   The chant is "Slow down Kaylia" as she tries to rush ahead.

Plane ..... Hop on the plane
(That was Kaylia's addition)

Now we're about over Pt Hedland.  It's been a magic start to the holiday with no anxiety attacks at all.  She's been as good as gold.  The meal cart has just been past .... and they didn't give us anything!  Just said there was an Australian menu and kept going!  (The prices on the menu we must use are double the price for other countries .... thanks Mr Rabbit!!

Evening at Mama Putus
The flight was good and she is happy.  3 watermelon juices down!

Monday, December 16, 2013

#762 Monday 16 December

According to the Lunar calendar today is day 1 of week 51 .... and full moon!  I'd forgotten and it makes some sense of the behaviours of the last few days.   She will settle a bit now.

Dry bed last night.  I got her up at 11 for a wee run and she was really fast asleep.  It was very hard to rouse her enough to do a wee .... but the effort was worthwhile. 

Now when she demands "holiday" we can say "Tomorrow!"

We've stuck to the plan and she understands that it's tomorrow .... but she still wants tomorrow NOW .... not tomorrow.

We're all packed ready for the airport in the morning.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

#761 Sunday 15 December

After another "wet bed" night, she's wide awake at 6am and wanting to have a shower! Sheesh!

6pm ..... The day has been hot and routine ..... Swimming,   Aunty Moo's, shops,  hose time ..... and food!  We had Aunty Stana and Uncle Dennis here for tea last night and there's food left over everywhere!  It's a serious problem as we have 24 hours to eat it all before we go to Bali .... fortunately Chris eats enough for three people!  He will fix it!