Monday, January 9, 2012

#480 Monday 9 January

G-o-o-o-d   m-o-r-n-i-n-g!!!!
This is partly to convince poor Naomi .... she's got the bug too!  She has been suffering last night.  We can only hope that this episode will build in some future resistance.

At 8am Kaylia has started a chorus of "Hungry Jacks"  .... we're never 100% sure what she means by this .... much of the time it is the playground she wants - not the food.  Given her level of appetite (or lack of it) these days, I think it may be that she has remembered the playground and wants to go there.  She has also begun the day with a DVD ... she has a complete videography of J-Lo and she really likes it.  Her musical taste is developing these days .... much more age appropriate music much of the time.

Weather this morning is still leaden skies with showers.  A bit like Kat's experience with the tailor!  She has an important function to attend in April and bought beautiful material so that she could have a tailor make up a special dress.  Last night she went for a fitting and the dress has been fatally botched ... material cut incorrectly, seams wrong, material inside out ..... this is the first time I have heard of a local tailor making a mess like this.  The material provided to him is useless now.  Today Made and I will confront the tailor to try and get her deposit refunded.

Pause .... guitar time.
Kaylia loves music more and more ..... we can tell her mood from the songs she sings.  When we hear her singing "The Muffin Man" we know that she's in her groove and all is well.  In her usual fashion she has coined some new words lately ..... "Open Teddy"  .... we think it means "No! I'm not happy!"

Kat and I have been down to confront the tailor .... she had an appointment for a fitting and his shop is closed!  The signs are not good.

Naomi is suffering and is on 'time-out'  .... Kat and Kaylia have gone shopping.  The rain is still falling.
This morning we watched some video of Kaylia at the Nirwanaa Resort at Tanah Lot in December 2005 .... (see post #466 26 December) ... on that visit Kaylia was entranced by the gamelan players in the foyer.  ..... and she had very little hair!  It took ages for her hair to grow.
Kaylia was nearly two at this time.  We were staying at Yeh Gangga a few kms along the coast.  There were some huge gekkos in the room .....

This one would have been 30cms long.  I hope our gekko residents in the villa here grow to be as big!

We left Naomi to sleep off the wog and we headed for Hypermart.  Kat found the neatest little 'bento-box' ... a multi-compartment lunch container .... stainless steel.  Then we went to explore.  Down to Ungusan and 'Dreamland'.  I was impressed by the amount of work thats been done since we were last there in 2007.  But today it was pouring!  We couldn't see much.  Made says it rained like this 3 years ago.  Seeing that Bali is still here, I guess there's not too much to worry about.
Back in Sanur, Kat was able to get her deposit back from the tailor ... I was the silent support. 

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