Tuesday, April 9, 2013

#884 Tuesday 9 April

Delirium rules!

Last evening my temperature was back to normal .... by 4am I'm back to 38.8 ..... just where I was 12 hours ago. When taking my temperature I need to wait till the thermometer beeps to say "Hey, I'm ready". So I'm lying in bed and I hear this beeping noise and I had to think really hard to work out what it was .... despite the fact that the thing is poking out of my mouth!

While all this is going on, Kaylia is woken by the heat radiator beside her ..... she goes downstairs at 3am .... Naomi follows soon after ..... the heat must be bad!
At 4am Kaylia is back upstairs ... but she forgot "pink peewo"... so off she trots again. Now at 4:30 she's back upstairs snuggling with her hot water bottle.
Now I'm feeling warm enough to take off most of the blankets I have piled on me!
It's crazy. I'm surprised that I can actually think well enough to write this.

It's crazy also that when you have a fever, you feel chilled!

8am. She pretended to be a yo-yo from 4am to 5am .... and then slept. Phew!

Now we're struggling with a sick car (as well as a sick bloke!)  And the car is so sick that it won't start so that we can take it to hospital. B{##%^%#}  ..... it's all too hard.

While recovering my strength I was perusing the blog statistics .... and found a comment on #648 from a dentist in Leesburg ....it was a very nice comment .... thankyou Lillian.   I think this blogging thing is fascinating .... that completely unknown people can read about our life.  What an incredible leap in communication compared with 50 years ago .... or even 20 years ago! 

7:30 zzzzz oops .... the zeds were a mistake but very appropriate!
I'm stuffed. I can move quite well but I'm so weary of being weary. We will see what tomorrow brings.

The (formerly) sick car is home from hospital .... I wish our bodies were as simple to diagnose and as easy to repair.

Today was a therapy day and at 3:20 (10 minutes before), Kaylia was a sobbing mess rolling on the bed. I thought we'd have to cancel the session for sure .... but fortunately we had chosen the right medecine for the situation at 3:10 and it turned out to be a magic therapy session.

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