Thursday, April 23, 2015

#1140 Thursday 23 April

Home again .... the trip was worthwhile with a number of maintenance issues addressed.

I arrived home to be met by a very excited Kaylia...... when excited she flaps her hands ...... and as I walked out of the terminal, she saw me and began flapping vigorously as she ran to hug me.   It was a good feeling.

Another good feeling today.......  Naomi has been studying for her clinical psychologist qualifications for a number of years ..... and the last stage is her thesis.  She had to submit her research design for approval before the thesis could commence .... and the approval committee has given her an "outstanding commendation " for her project.  She was pleased by this of course but hadn't thought much more about it till she found out the the commendation is quite uncommon .... and very significant.  I think as a really huge pat on the back ... she deserves it!

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