Saturday, January 21, 2017

#1466 Saturday 21 January

Last night she was very tired ..... And she slept for 13 hours!  Today she is happy and full of energy .... and I'm worn out.

Naomi says:.   So I'm telling Kaylee her stories tonight before bed. She still likes to hear the same stories (all seven of them) that I've been telling her for years. We just have an agreement now that she can only have three at one time. Anyway..I digress 🙂 I'm on the homeward run, doing my last story with her..when I start to notice snoring. It's not's our dog, Teddy. 🐶 I try to kick him out of the room but he's either fast asleep or pretending he can't hear me. I give up, and do my best not to laugh through the last story. Kaylee is is the dog.

Isn't this brilliant?  GetUp is doing great things!
GetUp has begun an online appeal mechanism that anyone targeted by Centrelink can use.
FraudStop thwarts the corrupted Centrelink review process by launching a multi-pronged response through a single five-minute form.
  • Appeal By Post. People are running out of call minutes trying to get through to understaffed Centrelink offices.3 You can't formally appeal in person or online, so FraudStop submits an appeal by post, free of charge.

  • FOI Request. Shockingly, Centrelink staff are directed not to consider evidence already on file, like pay slips and doctor's certificates.4 So FraudStop submits an FOI request for a person's file, to get the evidence Centrelink already has, instead of desperately searching for paperwork from five years ago.

  • Help from local MP. FraudStop submits a request for help to a person's local MP, which is often the best way to get things resolved quickly. Even in the testing phase, we're already hearing about local MPs responding to help.
PPS – If you've received a debt letter and want to submit an appeal, you can use the beta version of FraudStop at right now. 

I'm very glad that GetUp has done this  ..... I have no doubt that I will soon be targeted by Centrelink because of the disability trust we have set up for Kaylia's future.

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