Sunday, May 26, 2024

#2296 Sunday 26th May

 Hi all,


Just my weekly update…


New House

We’re settling into the new house and slowly making it our home. During the week, we discovered that Ian is surrounded by vintage Land Rover enthusiasts as neighbours.  We were obviously meant to find our way here J


Kaylee is really liking the new house. I didn’t think that we would have such a smooth transition.   For the first time in years (at least 10 or more), she asked us to shut her bedroom door last night. Normally she wants the door open so she can hear where we are in the house. While the move has been stressful for us, I am beginning to think it’s a very good move for her.


Voluntary Administration

Nor sure how I am feeling about this one this week. I am busy behind the scenes negotiating a way through all of this. Its tiring but I have a good team of consultants around me. All I can say is there is about another 4-6 weeks to get through.


In the meantime, I am running two businesses both with various push and pulls. I have lost staff at CWBC which I am needing to recruit for. I am also  in the process of selling off the second business.   Let’s hope the second half of the year is kinder!


House selling

Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to jump in and help us ready the house for sale. I didn’t realise how big a job it was until this week when I made a mental list of everything that still needs doing.


Your help (and the folk whose services have been volunteered this weekend) are keeping us sane and means we might just get there!


I’m hoping that we have one more week to get through and then we’ll take the leap of faith and get selling after the long weekend.


Mental health and wellbeing

Ian has recovered very nicely from breaking his 3 ribs. Please note, for those of you who will see him this weekend, he is not meant to be lifting anything!


For me, I have two intense weeks of stress to get through with my other business. Spare a thought for Ian again as he has to put up with me while I push through a 10 day slog. We will get there but it’s going to be tough.


Thank you for all of your check-ins and support.  Special shout out to Stana for her magnificent catering (as usual). Lemon Fluffies are keeping me sane J



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