Wednesday, June 5, 2024

#2300 Wednesday 5th June

 Transitions have always been a time of great stress for Kaylia ..... and stress for us as we deal with an upset Kaylia.  We expected the house move to be a giant stress time but Kaylia has handled the transition with almost zero sign of stress.  Yesterday she went to the Darlington house with me and she went into her old room .... this is now completely bare and it has been repainted.  She was interested but showed no sign of upset or stress.

All her usual activities are now functioning from French St without any drama.

The house move is causing a huge amount of stress for Naomi and I as we clear out 22 years of  "stuff".  The end is in sight and it will be listed for sale next week.  An interesting thing is that I planted 3 macadamia trees in the yard 22 years ago .... they were supposed to be producing nuts 10 years ago but I had despaired.  And then today I noticed that there's a healthy crop of nuts!  .... just as we leave!

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