Thursday, February 23, 2012

#521 Thursday 23 February

Interesting night last night ..... Not!
Naomi was very late home after uni and I had a torrid time trying to settle Kaylia to sleep. Then she was out like a light as soon as Naomi arrived home! Traitor!
Kaylia had also given Kat a hard time in the afternoon. After a de-brief it sounded more like a temper tantrum than a melt-down. The two situations need to be handled very differently. ... it can be hard!
Today? Kaylia is to have an ECG at midday .... it's a routine check for kids on the medication regime she's on.

She was perfect! (as usual)


  1. Oooooh, careful, don't let Google or the Facebook people see this photo. Bare nipples! And a child, too!! Must be censored!
