Sunday, January 12, 2014

#789 Sunday 12 January

Another really hot day ..... phew! It was 35 degrees at 9:00am.

1:00pm We've been over to Aunty Mim's ..... Kaylia is having to learn to use full sentences to get Steve to put her programs on the TV ..... now we're at the Midland office for some playtime before going to the dingle-dangle shop ..... and then home.

In case anyone has heard news reports .... we haven't been affected by the fires. These were about 20 minutes drive to the east.  We have an emergency plan for a situation where we're threatened by fire .... we will retreat to the Midland office.


  1. Good to Know you Guys are well! Been following fesa since this morning

  2. Oh good. I saw the news and I am glad you are okay. Are they as close as Mount Helena?
