Sunday, May 8, 2011

#250 Sunday 8 May 2011

Mothers's Day. I know I'm biased but I do think that I'm very priviledged to have one of the best mothers in the world as my partner. Naomi is a constant source of wonder & joy. Kaylia seconds that!

It wasn't planned but it so happens that I'm currently re-reading the draft of an autobiography of my own mother .... it abounds in detail of life in a small farming community in the 1920-30's .... life has changed so much. Our community today is so much more wealthy financially .... but on a caring level? The disparity between the haves and have-nots is still as great .... but not as visible. The sheer numbers of people and the pace of life means that we just don't see the hardship that might be next to us.

Now someone was asking about what we're doing with Kaylia's therapy .... and what is her current language ability.

Unfortunately her therapy (which has made such a huge difference in her life) has been suspended temporarily .... mainly because of changes in the availability if therapists but also changes in our ability to fund the therapy. She hasn't had formal therapy since December. We have plans to change this and the sooner those plans come to fruition, the better!

We recently had a 'play-date'with one of Kaylia's friends and I was blown away by the way the 6 year old friend was able to discuss grammar and current events!

Stop press .... friends are here .... Kaylia has a new toy!

She has to blow carefully to balance the ball ....

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