Wednesday, August 8, 2012

#664 Wednesday 8 August

Kaylia is still unsettled with the changes in routine.  This is seen in some nagging behaviours .... she constantly wants 'swimming pool' and she goes to her drawers and brings out all her bathers!  We have to 'count her down' .... she knows what it means and it's funny to see her tactics .... she thinks if she whispers, then it won't count!  So she comes up to me and I hear a tiny voice .... slee-poo ..... That's ONE Kaylia!
We were offered some free tickets to a children's circus in the Convention Centre for tomorrow night .... I accepted but then remembered the time we took her to see the Wiggles!  She can't handle crowds of noisy children .... specially if there are any crying babies.  There always are.  I think we won't be able to go.  But then .... it IS a freebie ..... (the Wiggles fiasco was $100 down the drain) ... I may give it a go .... I can always abort and go to a playground instead.
This afternoon I struck pre-emptively! (so and so dubya). As soon as we got home it was into bathers and down to the swimming pool. Kaylia was very happy. I'd forgotten how difficult it can be to manage her at the pool. She constantly wants to go into areas which are 'out of bounds' because some group is using it. She can't understand. While there I realized that I hadn't brought any Lovan with me .... Horrors! We survived though.
There's been an interesting change in her behaviour .... Remember how she likes to put her head under your arm as she walks beside you? .... to shield her ears. Well for the past three days she has completely stopped this! Why? Mystery. I wonder if the change will continue. I wonder if this is a new phase of independence.

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